Saturday, July 6, 2019

Thumbs up


The tweet needs to be clicked to see what's under it.  Basically, the only thing the left has is lies.  If they had something real, they would be using that.  Since they haven't anything real, all that is left is lies.

Friday, July 5, 2019

A descriptor for a leftist tactic

On the Bongino show, he describes what the left is doing with its complaint about the Betsy Ross flag.  He calls it "changing the rules".  He makes the analogy with boxing, in which the rules say --- "don't do take downs".  Well, the left decides to change the rules in the middle of the stream, and all of a sudden, "take downs" are okay.  The analogy here is that the Betsy Ross flag was okay for all this time, but now, all of a sudden, it is not okay.   This is what Bongino says is "changing the rules".

Let me generalize this into a pattern of ongoing tactics dating back for decades.  You know one example was repeated just this last week or so with the Democrat debates.  Harris did a "take-down" of Biden.  Now Biden is a racist, but he was okay before.  It was really a lot like the rules getting changed during the Bentsen-Quayle debate.  Once upon a time, you didn't make personal insults in a debate.  Then Bentsen did that, and Quayle wasn't ready for it.  Bentsen changed the rules on Quayle, and made him look bad.

It is becoming commonplace these days for the left to pull this trick out of their bag of tricks.  Evidently, the trick works for them.  Until the trick is countered effectively, they'll keep coming back to it again and again.

Look for them to "change the rules" for now on.  Everything is on the table with these guys.  It may be a "hail Mary" type tactic, as they may be on the way out.  Let's hope so.

An embarrassment of legendary proportions



It is revealed that this information would have been "exculpatory" with respect to the FISA warrant ( presumably on Carter Page).   Seems to happen a lot these days.  A fraud accusation resulting in a fraudulently based FISA warrant, which results in a fraudulently based Mueller investigation, which is resulting in a fraudulently based "obstruction of justice" pretext against the POTUS.

Not that anybody cares about something like fraud anymore....  It is so yesterday.


It is hard to see how this can get much worse for the Mueller gang, but it just did.

key quote:

And Deripaska’s complicated tale goes on: His legal team in 2012 hired Steele, the former British MI6 agent, to do some research for a lawsuit involving a business rival that Deripaska was fighting in London: “It was a research project to support what was the case against me in London. But my understanding is that the lawyers trusted him for some reason, and he was for quite a time on retainer.”[ emphasis added ]



The Mueller Report is an embarrassment.  Trouble is, a lot of people don't seem to be embarrassed, but should be.

Mueller should be ashamed of himself.  The Democrats should be ashamed of themselves.  Obviously they are not.

It is quite revealing that it will be a closed meeting in the Democrat controlled House committee.  No way that their obvious failure is going to be allowed to be showed for what it is.

"Something "big" is brewing"

Several topics are covered in this 28 minute video.  As you may recall, VP Pence's trip was cancelled and he was called back to the White House.  A number of other events in the international space are also discussed, and finally he moves into the Mueller/Weissman upcoming testimony in Congress.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Dems needed "lnsurance" because the real danger of croaking


This looks like the "insurance policy" had its roots set well before Trump was even the nominee.

No need to "disdain" A/C

Saw this one on Insty, in which it is said that Germans like to disdain Americans for their A/C.  The reason I am posting this is that the guy in this video ( at the link below) says his little window unit can keep his trailer cool when the trailer is in the middle of the desert.

Impressive considering that his travel trailer is running on solar power.

Seen on Twitter

As noted in an earlier post, the favorite word used during Russia-gate follies was the use of the word "collusion".  This word was used instead of "conspiracy" because conspiracies have become a dirty word of sorts.

Note how the anti-Trump faction loves to use the word "conspiracy theory" in order to discredit the critics of their own "collusion" theories.

Anyway, here's something I saw on Twitter.

Remember this on this July 4th---- we have a First Amendment so that the truth can become known, and the truth shall keep us free!

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Walter Williams:"Assault on Western Civilization"


Hmm.  Couldn't have said it better myself.  In fact, I think I already have said pretty much the same thing before on this blog.  Glad to see people who agree.

Here's a quote:

Western civilization was founded on a set of philosophies that focuses strongly on the sanctity of individuals and their power of logic and reason. This belief led to a desire to trust things that could be proven to be true or legitimate, from government to science.[emphasis added]

The truth is our refuge, our strength, our safe harbor in times of trouble.  The left does not respect the truth.  It is there for everyone to see, if the truth matters anymore.

AOC is losing her novelty


Enough stories like this, and she will lose a lot more than that.  She appears to be just plain hateful.  Certainly not admirable.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Where did the money go?

Vote the commies in with illegal votes


What the *$#@ is wrong with this guy?

He is saying that the administration didn't ask nice enough. ( my take )  Just say it in the way the it needs to be said.  The Dems want to overthrow the government and make this a communist dictatorship.  Just say it, and then let this &)))'er shoot it down again.

Whose brain did they use?

Oh, no!  They used the wrong brain again!

Monday, July 1, 2019

Patriots should avoid the term "right" when referring to themselves

Those who consider themselves patriots, and against the left, should NEVER refer to themselves as being on the right.

If you do that, you are accepting the Marxist Paradigm.  The Marxists need you to do that so that they can compare you to fascists and Nazis, such as Adolf Hitler.  If you agree with them, then you will use their terminology.  If you don't agree with then, then why use their terminology at all?  When you agree to use their terminology, then how can you refute what they say?

So-called conservatives need to understand why Ronald Reagan won 49 states in 1984.  It was not by identifying with the RIGHT.  Reagan didn't do that.

Traditional America had nothing to do with fascism.  That was invented in Europe.

War on reason as a Marxist tactic


Seems to follow a line of thought that I heard about once upon a time.  This line of reasoning may be a part of the larger Culture War that Pat Buchanan once talked about.

Western Civilization is under cultural siege, if not actual war.  It isn't a shooting war, yet...




It looks like "social justice" is inspired by communism.  Indeed.  That is exactly what's wrong in this country today.  Here's a quote from the piece:

What Baldwin would “remember for decades” is a woman “approaching him with a countering argument” afterward. “You only talked about individual justice,” she said. “This is a bourgeois idea.”
A lot of Democrats are using the language of communism without knowing it, or while appearing to be not in the know about it.  Example:  The common usage of the phrase  "Being on the right side of history".  Marxism teaches that communism is inevitable.  So, to be on the "right side" of history is to be on the right side of the inevitable.  These people are mouthing a Marxist dogma--whether they are aware of it or not.

As in the quote shown above, communism rejects individual justice in favor of "social justice".  Therein illustrates the principle involved.  The principle is individualism v. collectivism.  Collectivism is the hallmark of communism.  These people, who identify as social justice warriors, are at the very least proto-communists, if not actual communists.

The hysterical opposition to Trump can also be thus explained .  Anybody like Trump, who defends this country, is an enemy to these wackos.  These wack jobs want the "revolution".  Trump stands in their way.  Indeed, any Republican president stands in their way.  Even weaklings, like the Bush clan, stand in their way.  Hence, this false labeling of any opposition as a fascist or like Hitler is employed.  This would be true regardless of who the Republican president was.

The tactic of reparations fits into the Marxian class or social war as well.  It is evidenced as group guilt as opposed to individual guilt.  Hence, no individual white person needs to be guilty of slavery because all white people are collectively guilty.  It is the Marxist way to wage the struggle as a part of the greater class struggle.  It is a Marxist tactic.  It is distinctly un-American.



Good article.  It explains a lot of the crazy things right now.

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Robert Ringer: One side will lose


To paraphrase a quote:  "The left must lose, or America loses".

Let's not panic.  Even never-Trumpers are getting nervous.  In short, the left's over-reaction to Trump doesn't necessitate another.  As long as the left appears as insane as it is, then there is a chance things can hold together for awhile yet.

Still, the long term prospects look dicey.  That Williamson broad is a loon!

Tucker Carlson: "Democrats no longer care about what's true"

Doesn't surprise me.