Saturday, January 15, 2022

Bill Maher

Bill Maher unloads on purveyors of misinformation, and it isn't Dan Bongino.


Well, I can say that this link needs to be clicked even if it is on Twitter. Bill Maher ain't no conservative by any means, but he sounds sane. Which is more than I what I can say for certain members of Congress and their accomplices in the media.

Too bad there aren't more people on the Supreme Court who talk like this about Covid.

Today's two cents

If there is anything that I've established over the 10 plus years that I've been blogging regularly, is that I am willing to express an opinion. So, here I go again...

This post may be far-ranging, because there's a lot going on. The top of the list has to be Joe Biden's meltdown last week. He's even got Peggy Noonan concerned. Even the libs at CNN think he's had a bad week. Now that's saying something. With respect to CNN, I noticed that our very conservative part of the state had it on the TeeVee when I stopped by someplace to get a few victuals. Supposedly, nobody watches CNN except captive audiences. The sound wasn't on, but the video was. Evidently, at the time I was there, they were celebrating the charging of some January 6th defendants for sedition. Allow me to segue into THAT one.

Somehow an election controversy has become a seditious conspiracy. Joe Biden took up that theme with his meltdown special and now even the pinkos are concerned. It was a controversy that they have tried to suppress. They continue to suppress it. Mr. Poopy Drawers even asked his correligionaries in the media to censor his opposition. He asked employers to do what the Supreme Court just banned-- vaccine mandates. It seems to me that if he could do THOSE things, he could very damned well have fixed an election. A protest against this very thing isn't sedition. It is their right under our Constitution, and our BILL OF RIGHTS. They don't necessarily have a right to riot, but if they were attacked after being invited into the Capitol Building, I think there may be exetenuating circumstances here. If Biden's is going to censor everything to the contrary, it seems to me that he may have something to hide.

Joe Biden may well be justified in his meltdown if he is hiding something that may well get exposed by a supposedly free press. Except it isn't so free these days. Dan Bongino just got cancelled by ScrewTube. OAN just got cancelled. The problem is that the First Amendment says that we have this thing called FREEDOM OF SPEECH. It isn't only free if Ill Duce permits it to be so. His faction cares about that when it comes to their speech, but not anybody else's. A free and open inquiry is not what he seeks. It could only be because he fears such an inquiry. Why would he fear that unless he had something to hide? Joe Biden's request of a private entity to suppress his opposition is expressly forbidden as a government edict which violates the First Amendment. So much for the Rule of Law.

It is a very troubling time indeed. I noticed a poll in which a large faction of Americans want to PUNISH people for refusing an injection which has had some very bad side effects. The so-called free press doesn't seem very interested in reporting this and a multitude of other facts. Their faction needs to stay fired up if they are going to prevail in this fight. Obviously they cannot have to be forced to backtrack on their phony narratives all the time, so censorship is their way now. Only problem is, they do this with a straight face by claiming to save our "democracy". They also claim that this country is at the head of the "free world". The "free world" isn't very free these days. Censorship is not an aspect of free societies, but it is now and in this land of the free and home of the brave.

Don't forget to take a knee when you say that. It is part of the national anthem. By the way, George H. W. Bush ran on the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance in classrooms. I wonder if the Bushes still feel that way. "One nation, Under God, Indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all." Whoda thunk that THIS would be controversial? That was in 1988. It is definitely not allowable in a classroom THESE days. Last time I checked, the Bushes and Cheneys were aligning with those who were against the Pledge and the National Anthem then, and especially now. But somehow WE are the traitors.

That's my two cents for now. I'm sure that they will be something in the future, so stay tuned. Don't let the 'rona bite ya. It used to be bedbugs but they are in DC and they are crazy as hell.

Friday, January 14, 2022



This isn't mere rhetoric when I use that word. Those who come across it might think of it as mere rhetoric, but to do so would be a mistake. It is a real thing and it gets worse every day.

The above link describes what it is like when communists infiltrate an organization. Merit goes out the window. It is who you know and who you are that counts above all else. Those who are in the "in" group are favored. Those in the "out" group are screwed.

The "in" group in the above example are almost certainly communists or communist sympathizers. They produce nothing and screw up everything. It might well be the case that most of Big Tech has been overrun by these commies. Consequently, the decline will be rapid and intense. Give this another year or two, and it might well be irreversible. Shoot, it might already be irreversible.

The commies will go in for a command economy because that is the only way anything will ever get done. Nobody will work. Even those compelled to work won't be very productive because all of the incentives will be gone. Rewards will only go to those who are connected, not to those who truly earn it.

Frankly, I surprised that things are working as well as they are right now. But I'm sure that it won't last. Not unless these people lose their grip on power. However, getting it out of their hands will be VERY difficult. They are likely to get violent when opposed. We are seeing that now. It is just another facet of communism. They rule by brute force because they don't have the will of the people on their side. Communism is only good for the few, and even then it isn't very good. It may take awhile for that to sink in, and when it does, it may well be too late.

Thursday, January 13, 2022

The Beatles - A Day In The Life


There's a part in this song that I liked a lot when I was younger. Actually, I still do. The part about waking up and getting out of bed. It's a working man's day.

The song as it is here on youtube is a bit more complex. It goes into deeper areas. That Lennon for ya. McCartney part was mentioned above. They both seem to play off each other. McCartney is down to earth, but Lennon is off in the clouds.

What part would my readers like? Maybe all five of them? But I jest. I know little about who comes here and even less as to why.

But people come here for some reason. Anyway, here's the video. By the way, I have been busy. That's why this song comes to mind. ( The McCartney part)

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Covid as a class disease

Covid as a class disease

This piece linked from Ace has an interesting thought. The brunt of the disease was to born by the lower classes, while the upper classes were to be protected. As Ace pointed out, this is a sign of an illiberal society.

That observation had gotten by me. It seems astute, maybe because of that! How did I miss it? Maybe I'm not in one of those upper class types. But all kidding aside, I DID miss it. Yes indeedy. It DOES look like the drum I've been banging on all these months about them being like commies. In the former Soviet Union, which prided itself on its egalitarian outlook, there was a definite class structure. If you belong to the Party, you got all the breaks. If not, you were consigned to the lower regions of society. This observation of Ace's has all the hallmarks of that failed state.

The hypocrisy is so thick you can cut it with a knife. They expected the blue collar types, which they despise and look down upon, to deliver the goods and keep things running. They could hide out at home and escape the disease. Pure commie tactic! Reeking with hypocrisy, with them claiming higher moral status than all those troglodytes who didn't wear masks, and refused the vaccines. Then THEY get sick anyway, and now it is nothing to be ashamed of.

You don't need to have Covid to be sicko. These are the same ones who are so morally degenerate that they are now pushing pedophilia like they did with homosexuality. The hypocrites will get even more holier than thou. They really do believe that they are better. Shoot, that old Mahablog gal once said it. She said "we are better than they are". Remember when Nancy Pelosi got riled up when she was asked if she hated Trump? That question hit her where she lived. Why, all they good people don't have an ounce of hate in their hearts. They are so pure and everything. They really believe their own bullshit.

Our "Democracy" is in peril, they say. No. Something is in peril, but it isn't "our Democracy". It is their privileged spot in that society that's at risk. It's eating them up inside. No telling what they are capable of in order to keep that station in life.

Monday, January 10, 2022

Holy Eyebrows Batman, they're disappearing


Pelosi's eyebrows are going to scroll off her forehead any time now. The amazing scrolling eyebrow trick. Not to be confused with the Jedi Mind Trick.

Speaking of mind tricks, there is a report that the so-called Elite are claiming there is no such thing as a mass psychosis thingie going on. Adjust your thoughts accordingly, sheepsies.

Maybe her eyebrows really aren't scroling off her forehead. I'm only imagining it.

Holy Hitchcock Batman, looky at all the birds


Someone noticed all the birds in the Walmart parking lot. Let me offer an explanation.

If you notice, the video shows that the sun is not out yet. My guess is that it is just before dawn. My travels used to take me into the downtown area of Houston, to a place where these birds would gather just like this. I think it is just bird behavior just before dawn. For whatever reasons, birds gather together like this. Maybe they gather for the night, and just before dawn, they are awake and chirp like crazy before the sun arises.

Just regular old bird behavior. But why so many in one spot? It may be a lack of trees, like in downtown Houston. The place I'm referring to is a stand of trees on a street in downtown Houston's concrete jungle. It is one of the rare places where birds could congregate for the night. Fewer trees means more bird concentration. In the suburbs, you won't see such concentration because there's a lot more trees for them to gather in.

The birds aren't going Hitchcock on us. Relax. (I think.)

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Cost for a solar powered system for a house


A system this big is just not in the cards for me. Maybe for others, but not for me. You have got to downsize this thing. Big time.

That's why I've racked my brain for ways to do this. The latest idea is to dig a basement out, and use that for climate control. Climate control is the biggest thing that will need to be powered. Heat is relatively easy. Cooling is not so easy. You could get a leg up by going underground a bit. It is relatively constant temperature once you get low enough. I wouldn't go that low, but to get on story down below grade would help a lot to smooth out those big temperature swings.

Anyway, the dude spent over 15k for his system. It generates a respectable amount of power, but solar only works on sunny days. Even out in West Texas, it isn't always sunny. No sun no power. That means a backup system and that means more $$$$.

Just between you and me, I don't like solar very much. The less you use it the better.