Saturday, December 5, 2020

It makes no sense

It does not make sense

Some things just don't make sense. A court in Georgia has thrown out Sidney Powell's lawsuit. The reason given is that she lacks standing. But Powell must know the law, so why did she bring a suit that would fail on that basis?

Also, it doesn't make sense that the Trump campaign would distance from Powell if this would be the result of such distance. If she was still connected to the Trump campaign, then there would have to be standing. Once again, Powell would have to know this, so why bring the suit? Does she really have standing, and the court is wrong; or did she bring a suit knowing that it would fail? It makes no sense.

It COULD make sense in a way that still doesn't make sense. How? If the purpose of the suits is not to win, but to move an idea forward. What idea would that be? The obvious one. That the election was rigged, and the system is corrupt.

Nobody on the other side of this accusation seems to care. Where that would take you is a bit further than I would like to go right now.

Friday, December 4, 2020


The song ends with the words "on my mind". That's right. It's on the minds of many about now.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Men follow courage not titles

Just following the law may be courage enough. Oddly enough, that may be too much for some of these people.

Like it or not SCOTUS must get involved


The State legislatures do have the final say, but if the Court got involved, they couldn't hide behind the voters. Know what I mean, Vern?

As written before on this blog, the legislatures have the final say, not the "counters" of votes. The CONUS says so, if you bother to read it.

Will the SCOTUS honor the CONUS as they were intended to do from the beginning? If not, then Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barret nominations did not result in orginalists after all.

From there it could go to the House State Delegations and these favor Trump. If all goes the way it should, Trump should get 4 more years.

If that sounds familiar, well it is. Trump most likely really won the votes, but the corruptocracy is stealing it for Biden. Everyone already knew this was going to happen. So it is happening.

The only way for the Constitution of the US (CONUS) to survive is for SCOTUS to do its job, and the rest of the government to honor the law. If that doesn't happen, well we all know that the fix was in, and the rule of law is dead.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

The Reality of the election situation

The Reality

It is coming upon crunch time, as the saying goes. Soon, the electoral votes will be legally decided. Once that happens, this phase is over. It won't be about votes any longer. It will be about whatever the politicians choose to do about it.

Under the Constitution, the electoral college votes on the President. The legislatures of the various states determine how those are to be chosen. According to law, that is.

If the law isn't followed, then what? The Supreme Court could intervene, but they cannot tell the legislatures what electors to send. The legislatures have "plenary" power to choose electors. Even if there was substantial fraud that the Supreme Court has decided is proven, the legislatures could set that aside. That's because their say is the last word on this before it goes to the Congress.

From there, the votes are counted, and if nobody gets the 270, then the thing is decided by the delegations of the various states. That would seem to favor Trump, but there is no guarantee of that outcome either. Please note that in most, if not all of the battleground states being fought over, the GOP controls the legislatures. If Trump doesn't win those, it could only mean that the GOP really doesn't support the guy.

So what else is new?

We may have voted for President in this last election, but it is in the hands of the government now. It always has been. That is the reality. If the government is corrupt, then they will do whatever they wish regardless of who "won" the election.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Knee jerk


Knee jerks

This may not be terribly useful, but here goes anyway. It is something that I've written about before. The trouble is, I am relying upon memory, and memories can fail. If memory serves, then perhaps this could be useful.

The recollection is that human beings have psychological "knee-jerk" reactions to certain stimuli. There were six of these cited in a book, in which I cannot remember much else about. One of the authors names ( there may have been more than one author ) may have been Zimbardo.

One of the six was used as a possible explanation for the lack of response from the neighbors of a woman named Genovese, who was murdered in New York in the sixties. The story was this woman was screaming for somebody to help her, but nobody did. There was a lot of criticism of this failure to act, but it was something of a head scratcher. Why didn't anybody come to her aid?

The theory put forth in this book was that it was a knee-jerk reaction, of which there are six. I cannot remember all six, but one of them was called "social proof". What is social proof? In a novel situation, people do not always know what to do. In this situation, people may not have known what to do to help this lady. They looked around at others, and nobody was doing anything, so therefore that was their cue to respond likewise---voila, social proof.

A novel situation prevails today with this coronavirus. It is novel because there has not been anything like this in my lifetime, and I am in my sixties. What do you do? If social proof is of any validity, then people are taking their cues from what others are doing, and are acting the same way.

But there could be another knee jerk reaction mentioned in that book which could be at play. It is called authority. Yes, people do defer to authority. This is necessary for an orderly society, but when does it become unhelpful and even harmful? Well, it was not very helpful in dealing with the likes of Adolf Hitler when he assumed authority in Germany back in the 1930's. That failure led to the bloodiest war in history thus far.

Can you act against your own knee-jerk reactions? If knee-jerk reactions are the explanation for this seemingly mindless reaction to the coronavirus scare campaign, then we might be in some trouble if there is nothing that can counter it.

I'd like to think that human reason can help. All you can do is point to why this thing is not at all the way it is being hyped up as being, and people should be asking questions.

One thing that you don't want is to be the type of person who can only do knee jerk reactions. People can die from that too, you know. The lady Genovese did in New York back in the sixties, and millions died as a result of World War II. It is very important to let your higher faculties being put to use, if you have any.

Monday, November 30, 2020

Positive news

 Dick Morris



This one has legs

If the idea of suppressing the Johns Hopkins study was to make it go away, well it isn't working. I count several articles in the blogosphere.

I've got a relative who runs a medical facility. Her husband is my nephew, and he says that is just a "money grab".

Much more than a money grab. It is a power grab of all power grabs. Yes, and people have fallen for it hook, line, and sinker.

Don't you love these trite expressions? Lol.

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Old people die, well "Duh!"

 About that suppressed Johns Hopkins statistical study----

One finding was that the percentage of total deaths ( that all of the deaths in the USA for those in Rio Linda), broken down by age category, was unaffected by COVID.

What you've heard is that old people die of COVID in large numbers.  Well, old people die in large numbers in any case.  It's called NATURE.

Here's the bar charts with the breakdown of total deaths ( including COVID and others ) during the scamdemic.

It is in bar chart form as you see.  The age categories are color coded for easy reference.  The blue bars dominate the top of each bar, and it is consistent throughout the time period, which goes from left to right in this chart.

If you count the total number of deaths in age groups 55 and older, you get 87 percent of all deaths!

What that means is that when you get old, you are more likely to die.  The older you get, the more likely.  This is what Johns Hopkins banned.  Plain old horse sense.

Check the bottom of the charts.  Those under 35 make up only 4% of all deaths.  If you are young, then your whole life is ahead of you.  What a finding!

The thing that should be striking is that all age groups death rates were pretty steady during the scamdemic.  Old people were being wiped out!  No, not any greater rate than usual.  Nothing to see here.  Time to ban the obvious thing that everybody should know already.