Saturday, September 28, 2024

Paging Bill Maher: Do you understand what you heard here?

Dissolve the Supreme Court, this woman says. What powers have been given under our Constitution that would allow Biden to do THIS?

She's trying to make the argument that the Court just gave Trump kingly powers. But that Biden is still President. So just dissolve the Court, she says.

Of course, the Supreme Court did not say any such thing.

Note that the audience applauds. Really? If you believed what you said, you would be horrified at the possibility that Biden could think that he could do that.

These people are mental cases. Either that, or they are stupid. Nobody but those in their echo chambers would believe what this woman is saying. Do they really think that they can fool people into believing that? You have to be crazy or stupid to believe that. Get a grip.

Kamala Harris' foreign policy can't stand scrutiny

Here's another reason Harris seeks only friendly interviewers, or highly scripted "debates".

If this Administration had to defend their foreign policy in a debate, they'd be in HUGE frickin' trouble. That would be true even if Harris could enunciate clearly and confidently.

The fact is, this Administration is attempting to line up with Iran, a terrorist sponsoring state. Why? They've already made terrorist sympathizers a protected group IN THIS COUNTRY.

Harris cannot defend this in a debate that is even close to being on a level playing field. Even with their one-sided promotion of their views, she is having a hard time.

The truth is that a small group of hard core leftists ( communists ) are driving the politics of the Democrat party, and sadly the GOP won't respond to it forcefully at all.

Instead, we get phony assed "debates" and phony assed "interviews" with Kween Kamala of Klown Kar Kwanzaa. She could never stand up to scrutiny, and give her credit for one thing---she knows damn well that's true.

Post Script: The Biden Administration won't let Israel win the war. A war they didn't start. There's a story on Tablet that should make interesting reading, but you might get mad. You might worry if you are a neo-Con. You should worry if you are a neo-Con.

Why now?

Feds are prosecuting the hell out of NY officials. But there may be ulterior motives involved.

The prosecutions are for corruption. It's great news to be cracking down on corruption, but this is an election year at the Federal level. Is that what this is for? To impress the public that they are serious about crime?

It is understandable if there's some skepticism about the reasons for this move. It could be just politics as usual.

The truth is our ally, it's definitely not THEIRS

Going for all the marbles. Gotta raise it up a notch or three. Just "throw a bucket of water" ( symbolism for truth) on the Wicked Witch of the West Coast.


Let's be crystal clear on this. It is symbolism from this side.

It is a fight over symbols, and truth is an important symbol.

It is not literally "nukes". It is truth. Harris is trying to fool the public because she senses that she is in a bit of hot water over the border issue. She has tried to avoid any scrutiny over her past, and what she truly believes. One can easily deduce that she is not being truthful. That is putting it mildly. She may not be the wicked witch, but she's doing some wicked shit here.

Posted on the Quicklaunch Facebook Page


This is an old one, but goodie. If memory serves, I may have gotten a response from the head honcho at Quicklaunch about the idea for one on the Moon. The response, if memory serves, is that it would be relatively easy to get to lunar orbit with a gas gun. Quicklaunch would utilize a gas gun, which means that heated gas expands for the thrust needed to get a payload to orbit. The gas gun had been tested at that time, and had success getting them hypersonic, if memory serves.

This topic returns, as there's some news provided by the Marcus House channel on YouTube. He does Space Updates there, and there's a mention of a new company ( new to me, anyway) that proposes to use this concept. I've joined the video in progress at that point:


As of now, there has been no response. It was a comment about the feasibility of putting one of these devices on the moon or Mars. The idea was to use the device to build a space elevator on the moon or Mars.

Here's another idea. Since tungsten has such a high melting point, he could called upon to use his Quicklaunch to put tungsten in LEO. Twelve million pounds of tungsten would be enough to serve as an anchor for a lunar space elevator, or moonstalk. The trick would be to transport the tungsten to EML-1. That might be accomplished by a fleet of VASIMRs.

In order to build the moonstalk, you'd need that much, or possibly more mass for the anchor in space, plus another anchor on the lunar surface, plus the cable which can be deployed from space so that it can connect to the surface. No new exotic materials need to be invented for cable, as the strength of currently available materials is sufficient.

Once emplaced, it could be used to get access to the surface without the use of propellants.

If it were extended toward the poles, and a second moonstalk was built on the far side with extensions to the poles, one could get to the gateway of interplanetary space from which missions could be launched. The advantage of this arrangement is that you could actually construct your spacecraft so that could do these types of missions right there from EML-2.

The interplanetary ship, could be a variation of the NERVA type rocket which was tested and found space-worthy during the Apollo Era. The nuclear fuel could be supplied from the lunar surface. It could use the Thorium fuel cycle to produce an isotope of Uranium. Since everything would take place on the far side of the moon, NIMBY opposition should be minimized. The Thorium fuel cycle precludes the development of explosive devices, so the project should not be in violation of any treaties. If nuclear is too objectionable, a solar powered VASIMR may be feasible, provided that the solar panels were constructed from lunar materials.

For reaction mass for the NERVA, you could use the abundant hydrogen found in permanently shaded craters near the poles. With the extensions to the poles, the lunar surface could be populated permanently and could even supply interplanetary missions, as opposed to relying upon the Earth. Thus, the moon could serve as a support base for interplanetary exploration and settlement.

The superior ISP of nuclear rockets could open up the space frontier for settlement. The spacecraft could be large enough to provide sufficient shielding and habitat for long duration missions. Most likely, it could also be set up to provide artificial gravity so as to limit the effects of long term exposure to weightlessness. Overall, it minimize the hazards of long duration missions and provide the best probability of success for human exploration and settlement.

This could take place no risk to the Earth from radiation or explosions. It is hard to imagine any political opposition, but the ingenuity of opponents can't be underestimated. Nevertheless, whatever opposition that could develop to this proposition should be manageable, provided that the will to do the project exists.

There are those who would say that it is too expensive, and that it would take too long. We've got all the time we need, provided that the will exists. Let's briefly examine the cost objection.

The ground anchor implies many missions. It would take a multi-decade commitment and most likely a large influx of funds to complete the project. As for costs, Hunter says he could put the fuel for a Mars mission up in LEO for 5 billion dollars, if I am not mistaken. This would probably cost twice that or more for the anchors, plus the other missions could easily double that figure.

A cost comparison to the lunar base Paul Spudis envisions would likely be comparable. There may be a case made that this may cost more than what Spudis' proposal, but that wouldn't take into consideration cost savings from the Quicklaunch method. Spudis' moonbase's cost was projected at about 90 billion dollars. I'm guessing that this proposition wouldn't cost any more than that. Even if it did cost more, it would still be worth it.

So much for the objections, what about the benefits?

The potential returns would be enormous. If platinum resources could be found on the moon, it could spark the hydrogen economy on the Earth. In addition, space solar industry could be enabled by manufacturing the panels in space or on the moon. Easy access to cis lunar space would make deployment cost effective. Overall, this could open up the vast resources of space, and if I may speculate boldly- it could be lead to an entirely new era of peace and prosperity for all mankind.

Update: 11/19/2001

This post gets a new label of Quicklaunch and Mass Driver Concepts plus it also gets the category label of Sidebar Entry.  Sidebar Entry post labels are attached to all posts that introduces an important concept or topic that I want to keep track of on a historical basis.  Putting that label tells me when I started to think about it in more in depth and allows an examination of my thinking as on a timeline.

Kween Kamala

We need to roll back some of these endorsements. Senator Manchin took back HIS. How about going to work on the Cheneys and the Bushies? How can they fail to oppose the Kween? Will anybody be allowed to oppose the RED Kween? She has the hauteur of one who believes she has the right to rule.

I found this tweet on this article here, that says Kween Kamala, the Klown Kar of Kwanzaa, is being treated as if this is a coronation, not an election. Check out this tweet for all the "Democracy" lovers out there. Stephanie Ruhles, haha.

Check this out. Her staff has a high turnover rate, and that is not all. Read it all. Kween Kamala is quite secretive, even in violation of the law.

VP Kamala Harris Had 92-Percent Staff Turnover During Her First Three Years by OpenTheBooks

Chaos reigns on the vice president’s staff. And Harris tried to hide it by claiming that her office is not subject to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

Read on Substack

Zero Hedge: "Ukraine's "Victory Plan" Is Delusional"

Just saying once again that I've been against our involvement in the Ukraine war from the beginning.

Truth is the first casualty of war. The trouble is that our media play along with the mushroom treatment, and feed us a ton of bravo sierra in support of our involvement in this catastrophe.

If Ukraine wins, all power to them. But what does victory look like???

Also, are WE at war with Russia? Do the neo-Cons and Democrats want that??? If we go to war with Russia, it had better be for the right reasons.

The main point in which I disagree with modern "conservative" thought

9/28/24, 6:49 AM:

Modern conservative thought isn't really conservative. That is why I use the scare quotes and refer to them as so-called "conservatives". Neo-cons aren't conservative, for example. But it goes much deeper. Most of the Republican conference is not conservative. That's regardless of whatever the GOP candidates say these days about the topic. Quick afterthought: Liz Cheney wants a new "conservative" party? She endorsed Kamala Harris, who is a closet Marxist! As for the little Bush, aka "Shrub", he went neutral on the endorsements. Will he secretly vote for Harris? You can believe the "con" part of neo-con. We are being conned all right.

The Cheneys and the Bushes like to claim Reagan, but they ran against him in 1980. Since that was 44 years ago, the majority of people who are voting this cycle weren't even born yet. What's the median age? I would hazard to say it is less than 44 years old. Not to mention the fact that it takes 18 years to grow up! Shoot, anybody under 60 would have only an incomplete understanding of what was going on at that time.

Modern "conservatives" are yesterday's squishes! Consequently, there's little wonder that they always fold like a accordion. That's how squishes got their name. Squishes are what pass for conservative these days.

You won't hear Trump say that the government is the problem. Reagan did. Trump is definitely not Reagan. If Trump ran more like Reagan, he'd at least sound a bit more like Reagan. I still think that he'd win the day as convincingly as Reagan did.

I didn't vote for Reagan in 1980. However, I didn't think he was Hitler. Far from it. But I don't think any Republican, even the squishes ( by today's standards ) are Hitler. The modern left does that. I thought Reagan was too lenient with the left! That's why I didn't vote for him. But even I was "under the influence" of the left. I just got out of school, which was even then, a liberal factory making little liberals.

Things have changed over the last 44 years. It has affected even the conservative movement. There's very little conservatism left in conservatism. That's too bad. If somebody advocated more for it, it would still win. That's because nobody really likes what's going on. The thing that is driving all of this disenchantment is modern day liberalism, which is antagonistic towards conservatism. It was true during Reagan's time, and is certainly true today.

It's not enough to oppose the left with vigor. You need to know your enemy, and even more, you need to know yourself. Somewhow, I feel that we're dropping the ball.

Trump is the best we've got right now. That doesn't make him perfect. Saying so doesn't make you a victim of the cult of personality. It's just another one of the many lies that are getting told. It was a real eye opener in 2016 to hear Republicans talking like Democrats. We need to straighten our own house, and that's our biggest problem. Otherwise, we cannot get the decisive kind of win that Reagan got in 1980. The situation is far more dire now than then.


So, Chuckles had an interview with a friendly face again. Much has been made of her vacuous answers, and rightly so. But one thing should be observed with regards to taxing and spending. We spend far, far more than the government takes in revenue. Consequently, there are massive budget deficits, and these deficits are leading to massive growth in the money stock.

According to the late Milton Friedman, inflation is everywhere and always a monetary phenomenon. The growth in the money supply has been causing our inflation. No doubt about it now.

In order to cure inflation, the budget should be balanced. But every attempt to do this has ended in failure. The reason is that there has never been a political will to properly address the issue.

During the Reagan years, this was a big issue. But it has disappeared for the last twenty of so years since the George W Bush presidency. Bush came into power there was a balanced budget.

The Clinton Administration took credit for this, but at the heart of it, the modern left does not adhere to fiscal discipline. You can research it if you wish, and you'll find that Clinton was against a balanced budget amendment to the US Constitution. So were all Democrats.

Truth be told, many Republicans are against it too. This is where the "Uniparty" comes in. The GOP is split on this issue, and will not allow any meaningful action that would bring the budget into balance.

How do you balance the budget? In theory it is simple. Just spend what you take in terms of revenue. Everybody does this, only the government is different.

The public cannot do it because the public cannot print funny money. Funny money being defined as the creation of money off the printing presses. Of course, the government doesn't even need printing presses any more. The government can just add zeroes to the end of numbers in the computer, and vastly increase the money supply at the click of a mouse.

So I'll just call all of this that I've described as the 800 lb gorilla in the room, that nobody in politics ( and the public ) will acknowledge.

The public is to blame too, because these spending programs are popular. Which ones to cut?

Combine that with a tax policy that is inadequate to pay for all this spending, and voila--- massive deficits. We don't even talk about these anymore.

Which reminds me of what Darth Cheney the Elder said: He said that we learned in the 1980's that deficits don't matter anymore. The chickens are coming home to roost on that kind of foolish thinking.

I'd say the Bush Administration is at fault for introducing this whirlwind of fiscal irresponsibility because of what Darth Cheney the Elder said. The Vice President of that time and his boss, one George W Bush, said that. We have had no fiscal discipline since.

But the Democrats cannot go unscathed in this criticism. The Democrats are doing what they've always done. They are the party of unlimited government.

Ronald Reagan isn't at fault. At least we discussed fiscal discipline in those years. We don't do that anymore. The government has no discipline at all. It is totally out of control. It is the 800 lb gorilla in the room that isn't being addressed.

Kamala the Klown Kar isn't addressing the issue. But neither is Trump.

Somebody needs to.

Friday, September 27, 2024

Lies will travel around the world before the truth gets out of bed

It has taken all of three years to reach an understanding of the phenomenon of COVID madness.

Starlink now has four million subscribers

Behind The Black Blog post

$$$$ Quote:

With $6.6 billion in yearly revenue, in two years SpaceX will get as much from its customers as it has raised in investment capital. It essentially does not need to look for more funding, as it is now earning enough to pay for both Starlink as well as the development of Starship/Superheavy. Furthermore, at this point the company no longer needs NASA’s government funds to do anything it wants to do.


Ironic then, that SpaceX's main hurdle is now the friggin' leftist government in DC.

How can we "free Mars"?

updated @ 12:27 PM *

8:28 AM

Mars is locked into a permanent deep freeze. This information may show a way to terraform Mars so it would be more like Earth. Hence the Total Recall angle.

But it's more immediate contribution would be to make traveling to Mars feasible. A trip home from Mars would require tons of fuel in the form of methane and oxygen. SpaceX's rockets are powered thusly, but there's no source of fuel on Mars. There's no infrastructure in place to produce this fuel, but this could provide the most efficient start.

Mars' theorized clays could be the "terbinium" mines that could be unlocked to make Mars' skies turn blue. Whoa!  * Update: Mars' toxic regolith can be cleaned through the use of microbes that can use it, with free oxygen as a by-product! This could be quite significant, because the free oxygen can burn the methane in order to produce energy as well. Mars is very cold, and it will take a lot of energy to power a colony.

Dare to be Stupid--- Weird Al

I'm just now discovering Weird Al. Why not before? Too white and nerdy.

Hmmm. You can't watch it here, go to the link provided.

Try this one. It might not get blocked. It was probably inspired by Weird Al anyway.

Or this one! Brings back memories, no?

And this one??? He dared to be stupid? Or witty? Or what?

White and Nerdy


We have an election going on. Conventional wisdom would have it that it is the white and nerdy types versus the non-white. Better known as white and black. However, there may be a type of political realignment occurring here, so that conventional wisdom doesn't cut it this time.

Trump could be more appealing to the non-white population than what is comfortable for the plantation Democrats. Could it be that Trump is definitely in their comfort zone, and that is what is making them so crazy???

7/31/24: Weird Al

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Out of the mouths of babes

There were two little kids that were asked about Kamala. The boy said she was a liar, and the girl likes Trump.

Kids say the most amazing things. I remember that saying from Art Linkletter. (that was a long time ago)

Clay Higgins of Louisiana discusses J6 with Lara Logan

Are we going to EVER see this?

J6th Pipe Bomb hoax gaining traction?

Actual government source?

Ask Chuckles the Klown Kar, and see if she's got an answer for this one.

"Open your mind"

Free Mars?

There's a remake of that movie, which I mentioned just recently.

I liked the 1990 version better. "Makes me wish I had three hands."

Election engineering


10:51 AM

Back to Bongino... Bongino asks why the government is not being more open and honest? The government has this so-called investigation, but information is not being released. The report is out, but we still don't have the full story, and likely will never have it.

Meanwhile, Biden allows Trump to be dehumanized and compared to an insect on the TV, and then swats the table, as if to swat Trump, and people laugh.

If there's an assassination, and likely there will yet another attempt, they'll play innocent. They're playing the see no evil, hear no evil routine. That's bravo sierra.


All caps are being used for emphasis. It is a very serious question.

Besides all that, they want people to believe that they care about rule of law, democracy and such. How can all that be true, and them acting like this? Does Biden get on TV and let these women talk like that, and then dehumanize Trump himself IF HE CARED ABOUT DEMOCRACY AND THE RULE OF LAW?

I say hell no, he doesn't care. And neither does the audience. They're fakes on this issue.

10:12 AM

Stinchfield and Bongino are friends, says Stinchfield. Well, ok. There may be a duplication of effort here. But that is ok. Sort of. I'm trying to be as efficient with time as possible, you see. Time is running short. And I have other important tasks. It so happens that I haven't heard from somebody that I may hear from today, so I have a bit more time than I thought when I began the day.

9:47 AM

"The buck stops here." That was posted on President Truman's desk. Somebody has to be responsible when things go wrong. Who is responsible for the Secret Service failure? This is what is being talked about a bit later in the Stinchfield video. I'm saying that ultimately it is Biden's fault. But he acts like the Secret Service did a good job. Otherwise, heads would be rolling. Instead, they got PROMOTIONS.

Bongino talked a lot about this too. Lots of blame for the people in charge at the scene. But everybody is trying to deflect blame (or deny that there was a failure). Meanwhile, the problem doesn't get addressed and there's a real issue with security of Trump.

Meanwhile, the Media, which includes shows like The View, has an audience that laughs when Biden allows Trump to be referred to as an insect that can be swatted away ( in this case killed). Unreal.

9:00 AM

I was watching the Stinchfield video, and I realized Bongino talked about it 2 months ago, and realized this was "old news". Yeah, to those who listen or watch Bongino. It would be new news to those who watch the major media. Stichfield falls withing those two levels of knowledge. But I didn't watch Stinchfield, so I don't know how much he's been talking about it. Point is, with a lack of reporting ( glasnost ) from the major media, not enough people are informed about this. Instead, we get those people on the View laughing when Biden swats the bug that represents Trump. The audience laughed. That's not funny, you people. The link above was to the NY Times. They don't mention the swatting reference. Point made.

8:30 AM

Due to the needs of my current situation, I didn't have time this morning to review this video, as mentioned below. I've managed to cobble together a bit more time to review another 12 minutes of it.

He said something about the lack of transparency in this administration. This reminded me of the time in the Soviet Union's late history, when Gorbachev pushed the reforms called "glasnost" and "perestroika". Since these Democrats are now acting a lot like the late Soviets, I'd like to remind people that we may need a bit of "glasnost" and "perestroika" in OUR country right now. Those two Russian words mean "speaking openly" and "restructuring". We definitely need something like that in Washington DC.

If Harris wins, it's more Soviet style politics. America will be "radically transformed" like Obama wanted. It was thought that he meant civil rights, but apparently he wanted a Soviet style government instead. That's what he will get. He's the power behind the throne, and he's responsible for a lot of the crap that has been going on. But you can't say that because "racism". I say bravo sierra to that.

5:53 AM

A quick summary and post, because writing long detailed posts takes a lot of effort and time. Time is short.

If you have the time, watch this video. Normally, I'd watch it and offer comments and thoughts on it. I watched about the first four minutes of it, and concluded that this guy is adding more meat to the bones, so to speak. It is the concept of "election engineering", which is a term that I take to mean that the government is interfering in a systemic way to get Harris over the finish line.

The media will chip in that what Stinchfield discusses is just more conspiracy theories.

If the media and the government agencies were honest, the problems listed in this video would be far better known, and there'd be a far better chance of having them corrected. But that is unlikely.

A quick theory ( conspiracy or not ), is that this is the very way in which they are stealing the election. In short, an example was that Secret Service assets were denied Trump in Wisconsin in a bid to get him to cancel a rally. This is a deliberate act to favor Harris, in my opinion. It proceeds from top to bottom of the Establishment. I don't know if this video will show that, but it is my suspicion.

There won't be time to prove any of this before the election. By then, it will be too late. You have to cut to the chase, and save time in any way you can. That means, if you are convinced it is a possibility, then invoke Murphy's Law, and say that it probably is occurring. In other words, my theory is correct. Election enginneeing would be against the law ( Hatch Act ), because this is actually illegal for government employees to use government assets for political purposes. But we don't have time to go through the courts, and the courts are tainted too!

Anyway, here is the video.

Ms. Robot


Back just before Gorbachev came into power in the then Soviet Union, there was a summit with the then Premier of the USSR, Yuri Andropov. The European leader referred to Andropov as robotic. That is, if my memory of it serves. I think it does, but there's a slight possibility of error.

Anyway, that's another nickname for the madame Vice President--- Mrs. Yuri Andropov, aka Ms. Robot.

She gives those canned and robotic answers to questions, you see.


You've heard of Mr. Robot. Well Kamala Harris is Ms. Robot. She gives mechanical and canned "answers" to questions.

But before I get to the that tweet, look at this one. She contradicts herself as well. There's nothing inside of this woman's brain. She's utterly empty. Her "answers" say nothing.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Closer to the Snowball Earth than the Venusian Earth

Supposedly, the Great Fear was that the Earth would turn into Venus. But with this info just out, the actual situation may be closer to the Snowball Earth, in which the Earth froze all over.

The Hunchback of Notre Dame 1939 film

Can be seen on Tubi.

The movie was made during an era in which the culture was confident of itself, and unified in its belief in its own righteousness.

At that time, material progress was still quite rapid despite the Depression. It was only sixty years or so from Kitty Hawk to the Apollo 11 mission to the moon and back. It was nearly interrupted before completion by the Nazi invasion of Poland.

The belief in material progress was based upon truth; as opposed to falseness, and even outright lies. That culture rewarded merit. Contrast this with the zeitgeist of today.

Example: The King, despite being a sympathetic man, intervened in the trial of Esmeralda, who was unjustly accused of murder. His intervention was noble, yet the manner in which he intervened did not yield the truth of the issue at hand; in which guilt was being attributed improperly to the innocent Esmeralda. The King attempted to get at the truth though the method of ordeal, which yielded a result adverse to the gypsy girl.

The guilty party was the judge, who fell in love with Esmeralda, and blamed her for that; because he believed that she was a witch. The judge killed a rival for her affections, and then tried to punish Esmerelda for what he had done himself. The judge, being a prominent man, expected to get away with murder on the basis of high station in society. Note the unjust outcome that favored the powerful over the weak.

Isn't that what's happening today? The movie was optimistic about the future by showing how culture progressed from that former time to a better time in which the truth prevailed. Justice prevailed when Quasimodo intervened to rescue Esmeralda from her imminent hanging.

Another character, who was also in love with Esmeralda, saved her through the power of the printing press (which symbolized material progress and reason).

One might call all this a type of propaganda, but somehow it is more satisfying to have justice prevail like this, by having the true killer punished, as Quasimodo threw the judge Frollo down to his death.

How disgusting it would have been to have Esmeralda being hanged for this judge's murder. Nobody would have liked that film if that had happened, because it allowed evil to prevail.

But isn't evil prevailing these days? It sure seems that way, as truth is being turned upon its very head, even the same as that judge was attempting to get away with it. There was no doubt of the judge's guilt. He openly admitted the murder, and expected to get away with blaming an innocent person for what he had done himself.

These days, the modern left is trying to blame Trump for his own assassination attempt. The modern left is like this judge in that story. We are regressing backwards in our culture to a time when truth didn't matter, and justice did not prevail.

Nobody is going to like a society like that, in which the evil "judge" who is guilty punishes the innocent, and rewards itself for its own wickedness. But isn't that the world we live in this very day?

Instead of being "progressive", the modern left is actually quite reactionary. We are descending into barbarism. Young people no longer believe America is great. Indeed, there are those who celebrate the evil deeds of the left and actually admire that kind of behavior.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Trump "gets it".

Yep. But the lunatic fringe will still try to kill him, with the pinkos egging it on. Then Trump will really get it, and so will we.

Eggs-citing results!

Big Banks go nuclear

Green New Deal is in smoking ruins. Maybe.

Tainted food

2:22 PM

So where do you go to get your vittles?

In the good 'ol days, we'd sometimes go to the Farmer's Market back there in Houston. Looked it up, and it's still there, but is it the same?

👉👉👉Quick update: Chemicals linked to breast cancer found in food packaging.


RFK Jr.'s issue here, you guys. That is, if you're paying attention. I wasn't. I am now, by golly, by gosh. After what I heard, word of mouth. Not everything is out there on the web, and if you don't frequent Facebook or Tic Tock, or whatever the crap it's called.

You absolutely have to read the labels. Wal-Mart is bad about this, or so I've heard. The stuff they sell may not be truly fit for human consumption. There's a video I saw that is really bad. Ice cream sandwiches that don't melt. My God. That stuff gets in your body, there's little wonder if you get sick.

There's stuff on store shelves that's got LEAD in it. It says so ON THE LABEL. Question: How the hell does that get on a store shelf for food that's fit to eat??????????

What's our glorious overlords doing about this, eh? I never heard about this one on that RIGGED DEBATE. Seems like that would be something that you'd want to hear about, no? Not everybody is on Facebook and Tick Tock, and not everybody gets around that much. They may be old and sick, you know.

There's stories on the news about bad food. There's that story about listeria. But it seems isolated and not commonplace. Well, hold on there hoss. It just might be a lot more commonplace than you think.

This could be a big deal, and actually is on Facebook and Tic Tock. Wonder why it isn't on the BIG MEDIA outlets? Maybe they'll CENSOR these stories cuz they don't want people to know that they're being poisoned. Might hurt business and get some politicians in deep trouble. Now who is it that gets all that big corporate money in campaign donations?

Pisses me off, man.

They're hiring illegals for truckers

The oldtimers are getting out because you can't make money anymore. The government is regulating them out of business, but they have to have people, so they hire foreigners. Illegal aliens.

The problem isn't that Americans won't work. But they'll tell you that in order to justify opening the borders and sending in the horde.

If they let truckers make a living, we'd have plenty of AMERICANS working. If you notice from the BLS stats, foreigners are the ones getting the jobs.

Sounds like a plan to me. But not a good plan, know what I mean Vern?

We are getting screwed over by our own government. Who votes for this??? I don't believe that Joe Biden got 81 million votes in 2020. Kamala Harris shouldn't even be in the race. But the GOP will tell you that it is Trump's fault, and won't press the Democrats to fix this crap.

So it never changes. Until the people wake the hell up. But that was happening in Sri Lanka awhile back. What did they do? They put in communists! Oh, that's good move. /sarc I have done a few searches about Sri Lanka, and the search engines don't show what was clearly happening awhile back because of the stupid shit that they were doing there. Sort of like the stupid shit that they want to do HERE.

This kind of thing happens because the Bush/Cheney RINOS want to be Democrats when they grow up. Meanwhile, Biden makes deals with the Chinese. So did Clinton. So did Obama.

We've got a problem, in case you've haven't noticed. But people do, and the direction of the country polling has shown it for a long time now. Why doesn't it change? Has to be an explanation somewhere, no? In my opinion, we are being set up for a Sri Lanka deal. The people will get desperate and listen to ANYBODY who will fix things. But the communists won't fix it. They're causing it, and their accomplices like LIZ fucking CHENEY.

"Mr Wonderful" takes on the Wicked Witch of the West

I used scare quotes because I don't know this guy. I watched the video and I think he vastly understates the issue. He says he doesn't have the details, then he enumerates all the details he needs to dismiss Kamala Harris as a dangerous quack. Maybe he is wonderful with his understatement, or he is not wonderful because you really need to hit this much harder than what he just did here in that top of the webpage video. At least at this point he is mentioning what needs mentioning, even if it is understated. At this point, it is not being said, as he DID state.

Monday, September 23, 2024

The fruits of the Political Spectrum and

... post modernism. Their fruits are confusion and paralysis.

Make the tree good or make the tree evil, for a tree is known by its fruits.

This administration has failed. Time to move on. But the pretenders will tell you to leave your brain at the door, and trust them. But why? More of the same will yield the same failed results. But the ruling class will tell you some nice bedtime stories. That's where their intellectual proclivities will prepare you to be confused. How?

Post modernism says there is no such thing as truth. That can only lead to confusion as nobody can possibly understand what is going on-- only the priestly caste of experts. Besides that, I've gone on and on about the so-called Political Spectrum. It is nothing but a mirage cooked up to deceive people. Don't be fooled. Our freedom is being taken away. The evidence is right under your nose and in your face. Time to reclaim our Bill of Rights.

If Trump gets back in, and he fails too, then we can move on from him. Simple as that. If the bums fail, then throw the bums out. Hopefully, that clarifies things a bit. This isn't rocket science, you know. You just have to make up your mind on how it is going to be, and make it so.

Space Update from Matt Lowne

Chuckles'' tax plan is a catastrophe

Just my opinion here. You should not be able to tax unrealized gains period. If it hasn't been realized, it isn't income. Taxing it will be quite destructive. The political left will say it is only on the rich, but it doesn't matter. It is fundamentally unjust, and it will be very destructive.

It's common sense.

Leftist politics looks for scapegoats. "The rich" is being made to be a scapegoat. All the rich has to do is to stop making investments in order to avoid the tax. Do you really want that? Besides, the tax doesn't take into consideration the highly leveraged nature of that wealth. If you tax it, even just a little of it, you can puncture it like a balloon, and it will pop! When it pops, it will drag everything down with it.

The tweet will break it all down. He does a good job.

J6 Janitors

She'll say anything


Is she really THAT fragile?

Kamala Harris really does give the impression of being very fragile.

Insomnia post


Number One came by today, which is now yesterday. That's because it is past midnite, and today is now yesterday. And today is now tomorrow. Wrap your head around that one.

I'm up at this hour because my sleeping habits are out of whack. Then I thought I'd made a post like this, so I looked this post up and here we are--an update.

One thing I talked about with my brother was our advancing age. Our generation is going away as we spoke, and as I write this now. He attended a funeral just the other day of one of his in-laws.

The thing that keeps me awake is my ever active mind. It won't shut off. Perhaps I could, but I don't really want it to. I have the most amazing thoughts sometimes, but I cannot get them in writing.

It is an amazing time we live in. I started the time pretty amused by my own foibles. The same foibles I've always had. It only makes me laugh these days. Nothing changes even when it appears to be.

No worries about the insomnia. I just cannot follow a schedule anymore. My sleeping habits do not obey any clock. I sleep at odd hours now. I'm not worried about it, so nobody else should either. Not that anybody would, mind you. You people lurk out there and you never say anything. I may be writing stuff that nobody reads. Only a hunch says that ain't so.

Anyway, this little post could slow down my brain. No guarantees about that though. An amazing world we live in today.

That is all.

3/12/27: Howdy, ya'll.  Some folks notice things better than others.  Wishbone once said I wasn't a "good noticer".  We'll you know what?  He's right.  There are things that I haven't noticed as well as I should, and it comes back to bite me sometimes.

Rather than tell a bunch of stories about why this is so, I'll save your time.  Trust me on this:  I'm notorious for not noticing things that I probably should.  Sometimes, it just may take a 2x4 whack across the head in order to get my attention.  Know what I mean, Vern?

One thing I hadn't noticed that is biting me hard in the posterior just now is this infection I got.  I sure hope that I haven't screwed up really bad by not noticing it sooner.  Just saying, in order to keep the yuk factor in check, that I haven't been keeping up with the basic hygiene the way I should.  There are some mitigating factors, but those mitigating factors are also the reason for more caution.  Hopefully I snapped to this in time so that it won't continue to be a problem.

It is related to my move out here, and my experimentation in keeping water usage down.  When you have access to plenty of clean water, your hygiene is a lot easier to take care of.  One of the downsides of using less water is the possibility of having something like this rear its ugly head.

It's not that bad.  But it could be.  That is why I need to notice this stuff.

By the way, my treatment won't be without risk.  I was warned to be on the lookout for certain things.  It is not my habit to do that, you see.  I had better make it a habit.


Ah, the infirmities of old age.  I am probably older than my years, as far as my body is concerned.  My spirit is a different thing.  I am still a kid at heart.  Well, never mind.

I started to update this post, but then nature called, and afterwards, I nearly forgot my computer was waiting for me.  I tell you, you forget things you should not forget, and most everything doesn't work right any more.

So, I forgot what I wanted to write and wrote this instead.  Getting old is a bitch.  That's in case you didn't already know.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Jesse Kelly and Tucker Carlson on video---short clip

This dude is saying another version of what I've been saying. Texas should get more on the ball, and has the most to lose.

Double Top at highest Market Cap to GDP in American history - 200%

Much higher than the dot-com bubble

It's a casino.

What the hell has this woman ever really done for this country or for anybody?

The short version for what's wrong

Stuff like this is why we haven't been back to the Moon. Stuff like this is why there is no molten salt reactor in the USA, and now China has the tech that we gave them. Stuff like this is why this country isn't going anywhere but downhill.

The home for all these developments has been primarily from the Democrats, with an occasional assist from the GOP squish faction.

It's almost as if the ruling class wants to punish this nation for something. Then you get someone like Trump, who wants to help Americans for a change, and these people go insane. I've been banging on the keyboard for all these years, discussing one aspect of this problem after another. It keeps happening. It won't change until the public gets it. Otherwise, the public is gonna "get it" all right.

Liz Cheney AP story discussion ( Stupid girl)


Liz Cheney wants a new party. It's a dumb move because she's only marginalizing herself.

Stupid Girl. Who's going to join her? A bunch of disgruntled neo-Cons, who the Democrats don't like; and just about everybody else too.


Another stupid girl update. She's really embarrassing herself now.

end update of last post of 2/3/24:

2/3/24: Update of last update to this post of 10/23/23:

I've been pretty rough on stupid people, and in particular, the women. But here's a question that will always pop up: How do you know when there's stupidity ( by the definition being used here)? One should ask cui bono... or who benefits? After that, then ask, how durable is the benefit. Is it temporary advantage, or is it permanent? If it is permanent, are you sure that it is? Maybe then, it could be considered smart. If it fails the tests, then maybe it is stupid.

Right now, the Liz Cheney/Nikki Haley types look like the Stupid Girls in the song. But maybe not. Maybe the guys really are stupid, and will lose out to the girls. After all, the guys girls have no accountability. That's smart, eh? Er, maybe not. Eventually what comes round goes round. But if there's no such thing as karma, then maybe they really are smart.

I'm going to say that they're not. They're pretending. Whatever the real answer, the world that they are creating around themselves won't last. What else can you call that, but stupid?

In the comment section of this post, someone called the US the "United Snakes". Faith in the good 'ol USA seems to be lagging. Why do you suppose that is?

end update, the last update is below:

Update of the 10/16/23 post :

Just had this thought a little while later... A turn of phrase is in order... there she goes again. Cheney sounds just like a Democrat.

now, we get to the original update..

Liz Cheney won't rule out a 2024 Presidential run. If the idea is to win, she doesn't run. But that's not her idea. She sounds like a Democrat. Why would any real Republican vote for this hag? She is a guaranteed loser. That's the whole point. That's the whole point of the GOP these days, and that is to LOSE. Any talk about winning, which includes the likes of Cheney, is a guaranteed loser.

Maybe she isn't a stupid girl. Maybe she's evil. Evil in the sense of being a liar and a fraud.

end update:

Update to post written on Aug 17, 2022:

Daily update(s) 2: :

Backtrack a bit: Tokyo Rose was pardoned by President Gerald R. Ford. Her story is in the video below. I was under the impression that she was a notorious propagandist for the Japanese during WW II. She may have been just an unfortunate person caught in a bad place at the worst possible time. If that is the case, then it was a bad example.

However, the story did reveal that she did in fact say something that she should not have. By the way, if she said anything harmful to American interests, it should be realized that she may have been under duress. A better example, instead of Tokyo Rose, might well have been Jane Fonda.

But the Vietnam War wasn't exactly popular. She too may have an out.

Anyway, here's the video about Tokyo Rose.

end daily update (2):

(1) 6:26 PM local

Lol. There are just a handful of media conglomerates that control what most people hear and see. AP might as well be "Tokyo Rose"- whose sole purpose and reason for existence- was to demoralize America. Why should anyone believe entities that do not necessarily support our country? Their loyalties are not necessarily with the USA. It is foolish to listen to them.

The Western Journal is the source for this tweet, by the way. I clicked on the tweet from there. It is correct that this SHOULD backfire, as the Western Journal hopes for. But there's no guarantee that it will. That fact that there are a substantial number of gullible people out there that listen to this propaganda and actually believe the political left's lies.

Echoing the left shows the foolishness of Liz Cheney and the like. It is not for nothing that I wrote what I did earlier.  The stupidity is epic. But she's not the only one. This is Cheney's real value to the enemies of America. Those enemies are in positions of influence, and they have to go. Those who were fooled by the enemy need to smarten up- and quick.

end daily update(1):

Update to post written on Aug 17, 2022:

Nothing has changed here. Liz Cheney is still running off at the mouth when she should shut the hell up. She's a "stupid girl"--- like the song.

There was no insurrection. There's nothing to prevent Pence to have sent it back to the states like they do in courtrooms when they poll the jury. The state legislatures have plenary authority on how the electoral votes are to be awarded. If Pence "polled the jury", we may have been able to find out if the various state legislatures had their will respected. It may not have made any difference, but it would have been according to the law.

When Cheney and the Democrats keep running off at the mouth, they are either lying about this, or are stone cold ignorant. The Supreme Court couldn't rule because the Democrats and their accomplices in the GOP helped them gin up an "insurrection". Their claim was never convincingly argued because there's no evidence to support it.

Cheney and the Dems arranged a Star Chamber to convict Trump of insurrection and it failed in the court of public opinion. Not only that, a jury trial for another Star Chamber proceeding would fail in the Supreme Court if it ever makes it there, and if the Court is actually faithful to the law. That isn't guaranteed, by the way.

In any case, the pursuit of this failed approach is stupid. Give it up already.

end update:

There will be no link provided to the article. It's AP. You could find it if you want to.

An answer to a question not posed: Why write about this? It gives me the chance to say "because it's there." One thing you can say about these people-- they are there all right.

There were a few things of interest to me in this story. One thing is the story itself. Where's the justification for playing up Cheney's talk of a 2024 Presidential Campaign? After losing by such a large margin, it would seem that her prospects are very poor. There aren't a shortage of Never-Trumpers who'd like to take a shot at it. Given that their representation is a minority within the GOP, they'd be dividing their small numbers even more. Cheney cannot be a viable opponent for Trump. This election should have determined that.

Another point of interest in this AP article is the sentence which says that the GOP is rapidly moving to the "right". AP isn't alone in using this kind of language. It is for this reason that I say that to use this term in reference to oneself is like shooting yourself in the foot. AP isn't alone all right. You've got a lot of "conservative" people using that word in describing themselves. This AP article should tell you why they shouldn't do that. You see, there is a strong correlation of "fascist" with "right". Saying that Trump is moving the GOP "right" is like calling the GOP a bunch of fascists. Which is what the left likes to do in any event. If Cheney DID run, and if Cheney DID get the nomination, they'd do that to her too. They did it to George W Bush, and they did it to his father. Why wouldn't they do that to her? There are too many GOP types shooting themselves in the foot. This is what they do best.

Of course AP calls January 6th an "insurrection". They don't even pretend to be objective. It was a riot, in which was questionable in my opinion as to WHO CAUSED IT. Instead of the January 6th Committee trying to do an objective investigation of how this could happen, we get another anti-Trump witch hunt. The committee didn't move the needle in public opinion. In fact, they may have LOST GROUND. Instead of reporting THAT, the AP goes through the usual boiler plate anti-Trump spiel.

AP is playing Cheney and the Never-Trumper wing of the GOP. On the one hand, the Never-Trumpers say Trump was somehow dishonorable in his behavior since the 2020 election, they disregard the fact that he is the center of the party. They lost that, and that is the core of their problem. If they had a case to make against Trump, they have failed again and again. In so doing, they have done far more damage to themselves than what they ever did to Trump. The political left know this, and that is the point of the story. That part of the GOP never seems to get it, and probably never will. In fact, their only reason to exist seems to be to continually be the cause for failure of GOP's supposed "principles".

Trump was the supporter of conservative principles. Why attack him? Those like Cheney who do aren't really interested in those principles that they are so loud in proclaiming as their own. They might as well be as fake as the rest of the "plastic banana good time rock and roll liberals" that they love so much to join. Perhaps the reason that Trump succeeds is the fact that people are tired of that fakery, and want some real action on what they tend to vote for, and do not get. The Cheney's of their failing faction will never truly represent their "principles" any more than Cheney did in Wyoming. That's why she lost so BIGLY.

Shade trade mechanic

Every day is a different day. Today, I got my van fixed. It is a very old van now, and it has a lot of miles. This fix is one of many that it needs. But this much did get done. It takes up a bit of time, as does everything else. So there's not that much time for keyboard warrior things.

Bueno dias, amigos!

Just amused by something that just happened.

But what that was is not importante, senor.

Anyway, just checking in.

BTW, I don't want to be burdened by what has been. Know what I mean, Vern?