Tuesday, September 24, 2024

They're hiring illegals for truckers

The oldtimers are getting out because you can't make money anymore. The government is regulating them out of business, but they have to have people, so they hire foreigners. Illegal aliens.

The problem isn't that Americans won't work. But they'll tell you that in order to justify opening the borders and sending in the horde.

If they let truckers make a living, we'd have plenty of AMERICANS working. If you notice from the BLS stats, foreigners are the ones getting the jobs.

Sounds like a plan to me. But not a good plan, know what I mean Vern?

We are getting screwed over by our own government. Who votes for this??? I don't believe that Joe Biden got 81 million votes in 2020. Kamala Harris shouldn't even be in the race. But the GOP will tell you that it is Trump's fault, and won't press the Democrats to fix this crap.

So it never changes. Until the people wake the hell up. But that was happening in Sri Lanka awhile back. What did they do? They put in communists! Oh, that's good move. /sarc I have done a few searches about Sri Lanka, and the search engines don't show what was clearly happening awhile back because of the stupid shit that they were doing there. Sort of like the stupid shit that they want to do HERE.

This kind of thing happens because the Bush/Cheney RINOS want to be Democrats when they grow up. Meanwhile, Biden makes deals with the Chinese. So did Clinton. So did Obama.

We've got a problem, in case you've haven't noticed. But people do, and the direction of the country polling has shown it for a long time now. Why doesn't it change? Has to be an explanation somewhere, no? In my opinion, we are being set up for a Sri Lanka deal. The people will get desperate and listen to ANYBODY who will fix things. But the communists won't fix it. They're causing it, and their accomplices like LIZ fucking CHENEY.

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