Friday, August 21, 2020

Any thing familar about this scene?


An old guy who is a puppet on a string being programmed by those who are behind the scenes. Yep. Sounds familiar to me.

The slow moving trainwreck swerves onward


It's official, Biden is the nominee.

But any of them would have been bad.

A check of the leftist site used as a proxy for the opposition's views for commentary for this blog, shows that they really believe in this hot mess that they present to the public. A bad night for Trump? Not so fast.

One of those names mentioned on the leftist site ( not linked to here ) was Jennifer Rubin. Hard for yours truly to believe that she is considered ( by some ) to be a conservative. Not here.

Rubin is one of those that the GOP can do without. The left doesn't want her either, but she's a useful idiot for the time being. Rubin is claiming that Russia is helping Trump. Like Bongino said recently, they live in an alternative universe. Despite the fact that Horowitz, the Inspector General, pretty much demolished their Russian narrative, these people still pumping out that bilge.

The Inspector General Horowitz was not a Trump appointee, but an Obama appointee. It is not political bias. The bias ran in the other direction. Horowitz DID say something that gave them a fig leaf, but evidently the lazy types amongst the Democrats didn't bother to read beyond the headlines.

The IG report is there for anyone to read. It doesn't support the collusion narrative at all. To the contrary. Very much to the contrary.

Yet Rubin is out there repeating the leftist bilge nearly verbatim. So she ends on leftist websites.

Once the election is over, the game is over for Rubin and those like her. That will be true no matter who wins. Their job is to get Trump beaten. Once the left gets that out of them, they will be cast off like a snake casts off its skin. If Trump wins, they won't be welcomed back, nor forgiven.

Maybe the leftists will give them some crumbs, if they win. But don't count on them doing it, RINOS.

Trump's numbers haven't moved all that much one way or the other. That is, not in the Rassmussen Poll. That Rassmussen Poll is used as a proxy here for all polls. But polls are likely wrong. Most folks are keeping their views to themselves. Why wouldn't they? If they speak out, they may be punished.

We'll see what's what in November. In the meantime, make sure they vote only once, if at all.

I'll vote early and often. Bwah, hah, hah!!!

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Jefferson v. Hamilton

 It's too bad that so many of our founders are getting air-brushed from history.  For if you were to read about the debate between these two, you may get a better feel for what is going on today.

Essentially, Jefferson was the original red-stater.  He was for the rural, the agricultural model of society. On the opposite pole, there is Hamilton.  Hamilton wanted a commercial republic with a strong chief executive.  That model is what won out over the Jeffersonia model, or so it seemed.

The cities are crumbling.  Why?  The Hamiltonian model reached a dead end.  The consolidation of too many people in one place is what's driving this mess we see today.  People need to spread out.  We aren't ants on an ant-hill.  Nor bees in a beehive.

The blue model is the Hamiltonian model, essentially.  It is the Tower of Babel recreated and in living color.  Globalism has failed.  There isn't peace, but just more war on a larger scale.   You'll never get everybody in one place and speaking the same language.  Eventually, the concentration of people and power will destroy itself, as it is doing now.  The pursuit of wealth for its own sake will create a fertile ground for corrupt politicians.  The system will fail and is failing before our very eyes.

The answer is to get back to the land.  Disperse the population.  Let everyone till their own soil and raise their own food.  It isn't for everybody either, but it must not be overwhelmed by Babel or it will share its fate.

It seems that millions of people are leaving the cities.  What is left for anyone there?  Anyone who can is leaving and should leave.  If the Feds try to bail them out, they will collapse as well.  In fact, have you noticed how big the deficits are getting?  Funny money has no inherent value.  When people realize they are passing around Monopoly money, the end will come quickly.

The only sensible choice is a change.  Not to Biden, but towards the change agent.  The change agent is Trump.  Going back to the past is not the answer.

Everything you see from those in power is an example of a reaction to the loss of their power.  Their model has failed.  They just don't know it yet.  That would be true no matter who wins.  A win by Biden only delays the inevitable.  Or it may speed up the collapse.  If they made good on their promises, the country is doomed.

Trump isn't pushing an agrarian policy, though.  If his model was a more Jeffersonian model, there would be an ideology behind it.  Instead of that, it looks more like a more well-run Hamiltonian model.

But Trump is still a change agent because he is pointing away from the failed blue model.  It will take another captain to steer this mighty ship of state towards a better and more sustainable future.  I don't see either candidate as that captain.  But Trump may buy us a little more time.

Peter Strzok Lashes Out at John Durham As Kevin Clinesmith Pleads Guilty to One Charge of Making False Statements

8.20: 20: Update:

The discussion about the Clinesmith case continues at CTH, with Sundance saying that justice isn't being served.  It appears no evidence in the plea deal which indicates that Clinesmith had to cooperate in order to get a lenient sentence.

Nevertheless, anyone who cared enough can see the significance of what Clinesmith did.  But if the investigation stopped with Clinesmith, then the fix was truly in.  The article says that Barr says that more is coming.  There had better be.

But if it is a wrist-slap only, it wouldn't be a big surprise.  Washington DC is deeply corrupt.   They aren't about to admit it.  All the same, given what is already in plain sight, it should be a shocking thing to behold.

They DID know that Carter Page was no spy.  It is up to us to say it LOUDLY and OFTEN.  Otherwise, the public will go on believing that Page was a spy after all.  The fact that nothing is being done is all the more proof that these people need to be held to account.  If not in the courtroom, then in the voting booth.

Gateway Pundit


The significance of this development cannot be overstated.    Clinesmith made it appear that Carter Page was something he was not in order to obtain a FISA warrant.  It is plain and simple fraud on a key point of their request.  Carter Page was a CIA asset, and Clinesmith said he wasn't.  Clinesmith defrauded the FISA court.

In case it needs repeating, this warrant invoked the "two-hop rule".  This is a very powerful surveillance tool that was abused in order to go after Trump.  The two-hop rule could lead right up to Trump himself, because the first hop includes people who talked to Page, and the second hop included those people and the people they talked to.  This is potentially a very wide circle of people.  Since Page was involved in the Trump campaign, this undoubtedly could lead to someone of the staff who talked to Page and who also talked with someone who talked with Trump.  See how that works?

That is why it is a key point.  Without this fraudulent request, the FISA warrant would have been toothless.  With it, it was anything but.  A very powerful tool used in a fraudulent and malicious way.

Keep in mind that this is the kind of thing Trump was impeached for.  But the Democrats have someone who has been convicted of something that one of their own did while they accuse Trump of doing what he didn't do.  Seems like a pattern, no?

Carter Page wasn't a spy, and they damned well knew it.


Sunday, August 16, 2020

The Sound of Silence


It is a mistake to remain silent in the face of evil. That is what the song means.

The song was written in the sixties. That was a turbulent era just like today. The song is referring to that time, but it is relevant today as it was then. Perhaps even more so.

There was a war against Communism in Asia at the time. There was plenty of opposition to that war as it was considered by many to be a mistake. But was it really? In these times, Communism is at our very doorstep.

It is a mistake to remain silent in the face of the evils of Communism at home. If you think it is wrong to fight overseas against it, then why is it wrong to fight against it at home? That is, of course, unless you are in sympathy with it yourself.

Communists have no morality. Karl Marx spoke of religion as an "opiate of the masses". Marx wrote The Communist Manifesto. Communists try to stamp out religion or co-opt it for their own uses. China is doing that today.

Morality used to be considered basic decency. Decency seems to have gone by the wayside. It would appear that the Communists are winning. They will win unless enough people take up the fight and oppose it while there is still time.

Communists in the Soviet Union is what Reagan referred to as the source of power for the "Evil Empire" speech. Only dyed in the wool Communists would think that the fall of the Soviet Union was a thing to be regretted. Those who speak against Putin have more in common with him than Trump is accused of. For Putin lamented the fall of the Soviet Union. The Democrats are trying to resurrect it there and here as well.   Trump said in his State of the Union that America will never become socialist.

Yet, like Communists, who will say anything, the Democrats made up a BIG LIE about Putin and Russia. They repeat it in the face of continual refutation.  The real proof of wrongdoing is on the Democrat side.  It is hidden and played down when found.  This tactic is propaganda, which could have been found in Pravda during the Soviet Union times.

For the Democrats and their fellow travelers have aligned themselves with the far, far left of their coalition. Does this now prove that they weren't really about peace back in the sixties, and that too was a LIE? For if their words against Putin really meant anything, why are they aligning themselves with Communists today????

The Russia Hoax isn't the only thing the Democrats are lying about. This COVID-19 crisis is also a hoax. The hoax isn't the virus, which is real. The hoax is about it being as dangerous as they say. It isn't any worse than any other year. The death rate is actually lower this year than last. If this virus was really that deadly, would it make sense that the death rate to be higher than last year??? It isn't, so something doesn't add up.

Rather predictably, Biden chose Kamala Harris as his running mate. Biden is no friend to the truth. He had to drop out of the 1988 race because of plagiarism of a Neal Kinnock speech. He has learned nothing from this. In fact, he is worse than ever. His running mate, Harris, is a protege of Willie Brown. Brown is tied to the Jim Jones Kool-Aid drinker crowd. Of all the candidates out there, Harris is not shy about saying and doing anything for power. Jones, Harris, and Biden all seem to go together.  As Reagan said, the commies will say and do anything for power---just like any good Commie. Without any morals nor ethics.  Morality is after all, a relic of Christianity, which was booed at the DNC convention in Frisco.

The Commies tried to snuff out Chrtistianity, but it failed. They are already snuffing out free speech and the First Amendment to our Bill of Rights. You cannot speak ill of them or they will "cancel" you. Meanwhile, Wikipedia scrubs "Horizontal Harris'" background in preparation for her national appearance on stage. Harris, for her part, gave a speech full of it as she is. She is now being cheered on by the people who rejected her for her party's nomination mere months ago.

This is no time for a Silent Majority. For the majority means nothing in the face of relentless fraud. The only sure thing is to be heard---NOW. Now when it means something. For if the Communists take over, it will be too late.