Monday, June 15, 2020

Layer upon layer of deception

Update Corporations who do things like this should be boycotted.  I am planning to stop doing business with any company that keeps pushing this leftist inspired crap.

Update: Is the next move a type of messaging intended to control and manipulate the public with their propaganda?


This has gone beyond the media and is now involving large corporations. They have been drafted into the left's propaganda offensive against the American public.

For example, there's advertising on the TV about how they are meeting the so-called Covid-19 "crisis". This messaging is all over the place. We are being bombarded with their propaganda, and those who deviate from the line are subject to harassment.

Better take a knee, homie!

Better wear that mask, homie!


It is fascinating to watch how the layers of deception keep getting deeper. This post references the scams and diversions that the Democrats (and their enablers amongst the GOP) keep throwing at us in order to hide the truth about their corruption.

You'd think that they would try to give it all up and admit defeat, but they keep piling it on.

The riots are "mostly peaceful" for whatever that means. We don't get honesty about this ever. If there are riots then there are riots. If the protests are peaceful, then they are peaceful. What does "mostly peaceful" even mean? It means that those who are reporting the news aren't reporting the news.

Why would the news media distort the real circumstances but to assist the Democrats and their allies? If confronted on this, the media might well lie about that too.

These riots began as the "pandemic" seemed to be winding down. Funny how that happens. Once Mueller's report fizzled out, the phony Ukrainian scandal began. When impeachment failed, here comes the scamdemic Woo-hoo-coo-coo-flu. Once the flu cannot help them shut down the economy anymore, then they need something new to throw at us. Voila! Riots that aren't riots are trotted out for our attention. Look squirrel! Let's throw a riot by golly. Let's make it all about race even though the cops weren't accused of a hate crime.

The riots are staged to divert attention away from the fact that the Democrats are on the verge of being exposed as totally corrupt. Why would they care about this? Because they can count on their tribe, but can they count upon the "moderates"? The fence-sitters who don't know what to think unless they are told? The Democrats need the media to help them turn these people against the POTUS. It is the same old story since Day One of the Trump Era.

This is all to the benefit of the small number of people who can be influenced by the news. So the Democrats and the media get into action and sell us the latest diversion that will help them hide the fact that they are lying through their very teeth.

The riots are staged. That fact needs to be hidden so that they can pile up another layer of deception.

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