Thursday, August 20, 2020

Jefferson v. Hamilton

 It's too bad that so many of our founders are getting air-brushed from history.  For if you were to read about the debate between these two, you may get a better feel for what is going on today.

Essentially, Jefferson was the original red-stater.  He was for the rural, the agricultural model of society. On the opposite pole, there is Hamilton.  Hamilton wanted a commercial republic with a strong chief executive.  That model is what won out over the Jeffersonia model, or so it seemed.

The cities are crumbling.  Why?  The Hamiltonian model reached a dead end.  The consolidation of too many people in one place is what's driving this mess we see today.  People need to spread out.  We aren't ants on an ant-hill.  Nor bees in a beehive.

The blue model is the Hamiltonian model, essentially.  It is the Tower of Babel recreated and in living color.  Globalism has failed.  There isn't peace, but just more war on a larger scale.   You'll never get everybody in one place and speaking the same language.  Eventually, the concentration of people and power will destroy itself, as it is doing now.  The pursuit of wealth for its own sake will create a fertile ground for corrupt politicians.  The system will fail and is failing before our very eyes.

The answer is to get back to the land.  Disperse the population.  Let everyone till their own soil and raise their own food.  It isn't for everybody either, but it must not be overwhelmed by Babel or it will share its fate.

It seems that millions of people are leaving the cities.  What is left for anyone there?  Anyone who can is leaving and should leave.  If the Feds try to bail them out, they will collapse as well.  In fact, have you noticed how big the deficits are getting?  Funny money has no inherent value.  When people realize they are passing around Monopoly money, the end will come quickly.

The only sensible choice is a change.  Not to Biden, but towards the change agent.  The change agent is Trump.  Going back to the past is not the answer.

Everything you see from those in power is an example of a reaction to the loss of their power.  Their model has failed.  They just don't know it yet.  That would be true no matter who wins.  A win by Biden only delays the inevitable.  Or it may speed up the collapse.  If they made good on their promises, the country is doomed.

Trump isn't pushing an agrarian policy, though.  If his model was a more Jeffersonian model, there would be an ideology behind it.  Instead of that, it looks more like a more well-run Hamiltonian model.

But Trump is still a change agent because he is pointing away from the failed blue model.  It will take another captain to steer this mighty ship of state towards a better and more sustainable future.  I don't see either candidate as that captain.  But Trump may buy us a little more time.

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