Sunday, November 29, 2020

Old people die, well "Duh!"

 About that suppressed Johns Hopkins statistical study----

One finding was that the percentage of total deaths ( that all of the deaths in the USA for those in Rio Linda), broken down by age category, was unaffected by COVID.

What you've heard is that old people die of COVID in large numbers.  Well, old people die in large numbers in any case.  It's called NATURE.

Here's the bar charts with the breakdown of total deaths ( including COVID and others ) during the scamdemic.

It is in bar chart form as you see.  The age categories are color coded for easy reference.  The blue bars dominate the top of each bar, and it is consistent throughout the time period, which goes from left to right in this chart.

If you count the total number of deaths in age groups 55 and older, you get 87 percent of all deaths!

What that means is that when you get old, you are more likely to die.  The older you get, the more likely.  This is what Johns Hopkins banned.  Plain old horse sense.

Check the bottom of the charts.  Those under 35 make up only 4% of all deaths.  If you are young, then your whole life is ahead of you.  What a finding!

The thing that should be striking is that all age groups death rates were pretty steady during the scamdemic.  Old people were being wiped out!  No, not any greater rate than usual.  Nothing to see here.  Time to ban the obvious thing that everybody should know already.

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