Wednesday, December 2, 2020

The Reality of the election situation

The Reality

It is coming upon crunch time, as the saying goes. Soon, the electoral votes will be legally decided. Once that happens, this phase is over. It won't be about votes any longer. It will be about whatever the politicians choose to do about it.

Under the Constitution, the electoral college votes on the President. The legislatures of the various states determine how those are to be chosen. According to law, that is.

If the law isn't followed, then what? The Supreme Court could intervene, but they cannot tell the legislatures what electors to send. The legislatures have "plenary" power to choose electors. Even if there was substantial fraud that the Supreme Court has decided is proven, the legislatures could set that aside. That's because their say is the last word on this before it goes to the Congress.

From there, the votes are counted, and if nobody gets the 270, then the thing is decided by the delegations of the various states. That would seem to favor Trump, but there is no guarantee of that outcome either. Please note that in most, if not all of the battleground states being fought over, the GOP controls the legislatures. If Trump doesn't win those, it could only mean that the GOP really doesn't support the guy.

So what else is new?

We may have voted for President in this last election, but it is in the hands of the government now. It always has been. That is the reality. If the government is corrupt, then they will do whatever they wish regardless of who "won" the election.

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