Friday, March 17, 2023

Checking in, 3-17-22

Let's start off with the bank situation... Maybe most folks are up to speed about it. Today was literally an eye opener for me. First time in a while that I was in a bank lobby. The name of the bank won't be mentioned, but it was a well-known bank. The thing that was striking was the emptiness of the place. Just two employees. This is a big building, and only two employees. Something's up, no doubt.

Dick Morris' piece today discussed the likely cause, which is higher interest rates. The higher interest rates were needed to slow down inflationary pressures, or so we are told. Banks can keep their money safe through the use of long bonds. If the interest rates go up, the book value of the bonds goes down. Consequently, the balance sheets of the banks suffer when rates go up. I've heard this before, so it might as well be mentioned. There's a lot of political spin going on, which seeks to avoid political accountability for what is coming. Batten down the hatches!

With the attitude of "letting no crisis going to waste", you can bet that there will be efforts to take advantage of the situation.

Rather than dwell on this dismal news, let's move on...

There was an email from Focus Fusion yesterday. They are going after more funding, but there may be a problem now. A wefunder campaign is coming too. Just in case you have a little money lying around to park in an investment. Not meant to be a joke, mind you.

Spacex is still getting ready for their Starship license to launch from Boca Chica. I try to check on this every day. Elon Musk isn't guaranteeing success, but he will guarantee excitement. If the thing blows up on the launch pad, there will be that. Might be an earth shattering kaboom. Marvin the Martian couldn't be reached for comment.

A thought just came into mind. With all this excitement and such. It was that scene in Animal House where Kevin Bacon screams "All is well!" before getting flattened by the mob.

We all want to be calm. Even while the house burns down around us. Don't panic. All is well.

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