Sunday, September 29, 2024

Smells like Lawfare's got Mayor Adams in Gotham. Now Cuomo wants his job.

A "blue" blindspot, according to Grounded News. Maybe Ground News has a blindspot of its own.

A short audit through the various news outlets shows not a dime's worth of difference in the stories. But they're labelled throughout the so-called "political spectrum".

It IS true that no left-leaning outlet was found to be covering the story, even though there were direct quotes of Sharpton. Sharpton hangs out on MSNBC, so he isn't exactly a "right- winger". /eyeroll=off

So, it really isn't Sharpton. He must be a deep, deep, very deep fake. /sarc=off

The fallacy is here. Grounded News should be grounded for not being factually grounded. So take that, Ground News.

Let's fling about the poo, and maybe some of it might stick.

But wait! Who's flinging poo? Why, it is Politico, by gorely by gosh. There's a link on the "far right" sources, like Politico. Politico?! Did I hear that right?? Yes, you did. You did!, you did! /tweety bird voice = off.

Ground News might have some value after all. But for people who only read headlines, and let others do their thinking for them, they'll see the labels of "low factuality", and "far-right", and not even bother to click through the story. There is something there to this story. But somebody doesn't want you to know anything about it--hence, the labels.

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