Sunday, March 6, 2022

Off-grid, 3-6-22

The BMS came yesterday, but I didn't know it until this morning. Decided to wait a bit longer before I start working on it. This one won't have a solar panel dedicated to it. I was expecting to get more of these units, but they appear to have sold out. These may be one of a kind type things. Besides, I've got my eye on another option. Let's hope that those don't sell out before I get to them.

It seems that things are coming along pretty well. The things I need to know are being mastered. Especially the part about water. If this idea I've got pans out, then the power issue will be solved as well. That leaves construction. My carpentry skills still suck, so there's a lot to improve upon. As bad as those skills are, I think I could build something better than the last time. The last thing didn't hold up at all.

The funny thing is that I might not even go out there. But the fact that I could, and make it is more important. That place out there would be a challenge, though.

I'm still looking to sell off at least half of the property. Who knows, maybe all of it. But I haven't tested the market yet.

The thing is that I like here better. So if I can arrange it, I just might figure out a way that I can stay here. That means selling off the property out west, and getting a permanent situation here.

We'll have to see about that one.

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