Sunday, September 18, 2022

Jonah and the Whale

Rabbi Manis Freeman: Jonah and the whale

also this link:Matthew 12:39 and the sign of Jonah

The Matthew reference led to the video of Freeman cited here. An interesting thing about the Rabbi's video was that the King of Nineveh was none other than the Pharoah of Egypt. The same Pharoah that was forced into letting the Hebrews leave Egypt.

The Rabbi explains that the Pharoah was the only survivor of the destruction of his armies while they pursued the people through the parted Red Sea. He survived to tell the tale, which he told the people of Nineveh. Jonah refused to obey God, and was swallowed by the whale. He repented and was spat out of the whale, and proceeded to warn the people of Nineveh that, unless they repented, their city would be destroyed. Since the King of Nineveh was none other than Pharoah of Egypt, the King did what Jonah said. Pharoah did not want to mess with the God of the Hebrews again. He had the people of Nineveh repent, and Nineveh was spared.

Striking story, is it not? The part about Pharoah was especially interesting.

Is there anything here for the modern generation? Could be. Maybe not a good idea to travel on the high seas, eh? But all kidding aside, there have been cities and civilizations that have been destroyed. There are signs all around that something isn't right. The people continually say in polls that we're on the wrong track. But why would people think that unless it was true?

The Rassmussen Poll fluctuates a bit, down and up, but it is still way down there even though it is a bit higher than previously. Gasoline prices are down. But that won't last. Prices are down because the Administration is pumping out the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Once that is empty, then what?

The reserve wasn't created to help Democrats win an election. Just saying.

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