Monday, August 7, 2023

False flag

8/7/23: Update, last post on Mar 7th, 2023

Former US Capitol Police Lt. says "every police officer there on J6th was set up"

The significant thing about this link is that there is no whistleblower protections on the US Capitol Police Force. Sounds like it is ripe for abusive practices, then.

The story also mentions that somebody got rich off this ( who shouldn't have). Yep, and now the Democrats have indicted and are going to jail Trump. Cui bono on that one, eh?

By the way, the only thing the Democrats have to do is to run out the clock, or so it seems. This is well over two and a half years. If justice is coming, it is coming too slow.

This was a "Fedsurrection", and here's the motive

Summary of the explanation for why it was an inside job, and a set up--- Basically, Pelosi and the Democrats needed to keep the challenge off the record, so they set up an "emergency". The emergency pretext was needed so that there would be no challenge. Biden would be "installed", just as Pelosi said previously.

There is no insurrection in a legal challenge, but the challenge was taken away because of the "emergency". So and emergency had to be ginned up. Hence, an "insurrection".

Without a legal challenge, the Supreme Court couldn't intervene because there was no legal standing.

the thread continues below:

March 7 2023 reposted after Tucker Carlson exposes lies of January 6th 2021. But no evidence shown yet of false flag. Wouldn't expect them of ever admitting that...

:  Sept 1, 2021

More similarities between the whitmer plot and January-6

This Julie Kelly piece finds some uncanny similarities between the Whitmer plot and the so-called "insurrection" on January 6th.

It looks politically motivated, but it always has seemed that way to me. As I wrote at the time, "cui bono"? It was all a set-up.

What I suspected from day one

: Source:

Update:  June 2021

The original post... On 1/6/21

False Flag

It's not looking good. Evidently perps let this get out of control. Even for a few moments, it is still bad. Trump and his supporters get the blame, and the crooks skate again.

It is likely a false-flag op. In fact, I'd say a false-flag is definitely more likely than a Trump-inspired take-over-the-Capitol-Building op. The latter is ridiculous. If Trump just wanted a hearing on his challenge, this effectively stops it. Why would he do that?!

Cui bono? Also, there are calls to forcibly remove Trump. These are coming from the usual suspects. Cui bono to the googleplex.

There's no reason why a simple procedure couldn't be allowed unless there were those who feared it could go against them. If you've got the goods, then why would you stage some- thing goofy like this?!

Yep, I think false-flag. It gives the surrender chorus the opportunity to go belly-up. But they really didn't need any excuse. This helps them do that and the false flag gives them cover for those who would believe that nonsense.

What are these limp-wristed wimps getting for their sell-out? We'll probably never know.

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