Sunday, August 4, 2024

Define the words one uses

The "concerned Republican" uses the word "conservative" to describe unpopular Republicans such as Romney, Liz Cheney, and George W. Bush.

When one uses a word, it should be well-defined as to what that word means. Therefore, to the "concerend Republican", these people mentioned are "conservatives".

Why are they conservative? What makes a person conservative?

The "concerned Republican" then accused the MAGA Republicans of being a cult. How is MAGA a cult? The "concerned Republican" doesn't say.

Anyone can put a label on anything. Calling something a name doesn't make it so. The accusations have to be meaningful and can be proven.

The same is true with regard to the Marxist Paradigm that I've written about time-and-again. How do you define the "political spectrum"?

Since the "concerned Republican" uses name-calling as an argument, I can do it too. Basically, the people the "concerned Republican" mentions as conservatives are nothing but useful idiots for the left. That's because they don't offer any real opposition to the left.

If accepting the left's principles makes a person conservative, then the hell with "conservatism".

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