Monday, June 26, 2023

Man Made Global Warming Science

Update of post made on Jul 28, 2015

Take a look at this pic with caption, please...

Did you notice that the pressure at that depth of the ocean will cause the air inside the submersible to rise to the level of the surface of the sun? At that temperature, everything will turn to plasma... In other words, it would be DISINTEGRATED. I'm doubtful that this would occur, however. There isn't energy energy in the system to maintain that temperature for long.

According to the caption, it would only take on 30 milliseconds.

Anyway, what causes the temperature of the air to get so high? Our old gas law, that's what. Upon compression of a gas, the temperature must rise ( all other variables equal).

Things would happen plenty fast. If the temperature gets really hot, it also gets plenty cool fast... That's because there isn't much energy in that much mass. But it is surrounded by LOTS of mass. It's also COLD down there.

They got squished pretty bad. But in the terms of milliseconds, things got really hot really fast. Chances are, those people didn't feel a thing.

Why use this for global warming science? Cuz there's no such thing as global warming science... There's the gas law, and the gas law doesn't support the claims being made.

the original post follows....

Ain't.  Here's yet another reason why:

Consider the Ideal Gas Law.  pv= nRT, where p is pressure, v is volume, n is number of molecules expressed in the number known as "moles", R is the gas constant, and T is for temperature.  A little observation of the math is in order.  First of all, keeping all things equal, the equation can be reduced to v equals temperature.  In other words, if you vary temperature, you vary volume, again, all things being equal.

What does that mean?  That means gases can't retain heat all that well. They'll lose it by definition as soon as they are heated up.  How?  By increasing volume.  This is how your engine can work in your internal combustion engine.  The combustion gases are very hot, but they expand rapidly and cool down very quickly.  By the time it leaves the exhaust, it has become relatively cool.  The expansion of the gases pushes down the pistons that move the crankshaft and then the wheels of your car.  As Rush Limbaugh would say, it is a beautiful thing.

Taking the thought a bit further--- the central claim of the man made global warming "scientists" is that gases can retain heat, which is clearly false here.  Gases do not retain heat unless their volume is kept constant.  There has to be a force that holds volume constant.  In the atmosphere, that is gravity.  But gravity doesn't change, nor does the number of atoms change.  Without introducing a lot of new gases to the atmosphere, there is no chance that the heat can be retained.  It is dissipated as the natural consequence of the gas laws.

That's why it's not science.  It is humbug.

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