Thursday, October 10, 2024

Run the numbers. It's amazingly similar here now.

7:40 PM:

8:06 AM:

It was some poll out there recently with respect to the attempted assassination ( if memory serves ). I think the numbers boil down to 28% who said that it would've been better if Trump was assassinated. Let's run the numbers then. If you multiply the 28% of the Democrats that were polled here ( it was of Democrats if memory serves ), and if Democrats are 40% of the larger population that includes everyone else, you get pretty close to that 10%.

Those in excess are probably Liz Cheney useful idiot types. Newt Gingrich once said that we need 80-20 issues, meaning we need 80% on our side. If what this poll indicates isn't it, then we ARE LOST. Once the commies get control, it is going to be impossible to get them out without violence. IMPOSSIBLE. All of this hysteria that the Democrats are ginning up about Trump is a typical tactic of the commies. It's divide and conquer. Class warfare. Turn the people against each other and rule them with an iron fist. If we don't get a handle on this, it is over.

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