Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Obligatory, 7/16/24

Chain of links to the assassination attempt's unfolding story, this from yesterday 7/15/2024

https://freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/4251516/posts Begin with Free Republic link

Sniper weighs in on Trump assassination attempt,via @MailOnline

The following is the above that is reformatted using the text below. The text might expand out to an embed code and display better, but if not the reformatted text above will have to do the job.

Sniper weighs in on Trump assassination attempt https://mol.im/a/13634219 via @MailOnline

Repeat for next. First reformatted, then the original.

Dallas Alexander worked close protection for major world leaders, via @MailOnline

Dallas Alexander worked close protection for major world leaders https://mol.im/a/13634219?ito=pinterest_share_article-image-share#i-e8ae0d956ed8ecd0 via @MailOnline

... and finally an extracted quote from the article:

You cannot, in broad daylight, get onto a rooftop within, what looked like a couple hundred yards if that [of the president]. You can't get in that position with a gun when there's a president speaking. 'It cannot be done,' Alexander insisted.

This morning, I viewed the Bongino show on Rumble. It is embedded below. I could comment, but for the moment, I won't. What Bongino says here should be devastating for the political left. However, I suspect that there are many who will doubt what he says. There is no doubting his experience as a Secret Service Agent and policeman, however.

Dan Bongino Show 7-15-24


Here is what I offer for the moment. I don't have the time to go over all this. Other things are on the plate for me. I am posting this to stand in my stead, so to speak because there just isn't time to take all of this in and offer my two cents on what it all means.

Besides, haven't I been doing this all along? Anybody who wants to know what I think can access this blog. There's over 13k posts over the course of 13 years or more that I've been doing this.

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