Friday, April 26, 2024

This is nuts

According to a ZeroHedge article, the West is losing the battle to keep sea lanes open in the Red Sea area. While keeping that in mind, what are we talking about today? We are talking about what is essentially a sex-based scandal involving Stormy Daniels.

If you turn back the clock to the Clinton Presidency, all you had with that guy was sex-based scandals. The Clintons and the media waved it all off due to its supposed triviality. The President must be allowed to do his job!, they said.

But we've got a President that is FAILING his job, and this trial means NOTHING except to keep the same failing President ( BIDEN ) , in office.

The country was prospering in that Clinton Era. Maybe the idea was to have a little leeway with regards to Clinton's escapades. Now it is struggling, and somehow the GOP is at risk of coming out on the losing end here as well! If this was a fight, the GOP is definitely getting outpunched.

How do you keep losing fights like this?! You lose at holding Clinton accountable for perjury, but you punish Trump for doing what exactly?

Indeed, if Clinton had paid off all his accusers, he wouldn't have had an impeachment trial. It has always seemed to me to be the smart thing to do was to make these stories go away. There's nothing illegal about doing that. Hell, the media runs interference for the Democrats ALL THE DAMNED TIME. But who prevented Bill Clinton from making the Paul Jones scandal go away? Paula Jones sued Bill Clinton. She could have been paid off since that what she wanted, apparently. But Hillary forbad it!

This trial is ridiculous. Not only that, it is hypocritical. The same people accusing Trump of impropriety also waved off Clinton's same impropriety. In the one case in which Clinton could have escaped without even a scratch, he erred badly. But it didn't matter. He wasn't going to held accountable no matter what. Yet, somehow Trump is different. The trial seems to be about who can win. Well, I won't argue that. The GOP can't win regardless of the merit or lack of same. The opposite if true of the Democrats. They win no matter what.

But ask yourself, what does that get US? Does anybody really give a shit about Stormy Daniels and a Playboy model?

Once again, it all doesn't add up. But the country is taking it on the chin, and we have the risk of a failing President being continued in office when a competent president is being punished over a trivial sexual allegation. What kind of crazy country is this now?

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