Saturday, June 22, 2024

Nerdy calculations for Venus-sourced Tanker Fleet for Space Missions elsewhere

A new entry in this series, which will be part 4.

The previous post was here.

Consider the famous equation, E = mc^2. ( Yeah, I know. I should use a real exponent. Humor me.) If you were to apply algebra to the equation by multiplying it by a fraction. Let's say X, where X is the fraction of the speed of light that 1 km/sec of velocity is. Therefore, for any delta V of 1 km/sec, the delta-E ( where E=energy) could be calculated, or estimated depending upon how picky you are. Thus, delta-E would be equal to m * X^2.

What does this do for us? Well, I'd advance the notion that a rocket ship could carry a lot more mass once it is in orbit, than what it could carry in order to get into Low Earth Orbit (LEO). Looking at the equation, you will note that it takes a lot more energy to do delta-V than if you were to increase mass. That's because delta-V is exponential in terms of energy ( delta-E). You can increase mass a lot faster than delta-V.

That's why atomic bombs are so powerful. It only takes a small amount of mass in order to get a lot of energy. That's because the energy is coming from a large velocity yes, but also the energy is increasing exponentially with its speed. And the speed of light is really fast, and thus you get really big numbers.

We can use this to our advantage once we get into space. Just load up that Starship with a lot more than 200 tons, and you can make a crap load of methane gas and oxygen. You could fill up the tanks in Venus orbit, I'll bet. ( and then some)

Let's say a Starship masses out at 1000 tons fully loaded. ( I'm too lazy to look it up.) That's 5 times more than the 200 tons that it says its rated for in order to get to LEO. Going back and forth from Low Venus Orbit (LVO) would use a lot of fuel. But not if you can load up a lot more than you started with, because your delta-V was a lot less.

You could make big tanker ships in High Venus Orbit (HVO), and fill them up with a lot of fuel. A LOT OF FUEL. That's because of an even lower delta-V requirement in order to get to HEO from VHO.

Something to think about, eh?

7.75 ^2= approx. 60 60 million m/s ^ 2= times mass in kg

7^2= 49 49 million m/s ^ 2= times mass in kg

6 ^2=36 36 million m/s ^ 2= times mass in kg

5 ^2=25 25 million m/s ^ 2= times mass in kg

4 ^2=16 16 million m/s ^ 2= times mass in kg

3 ^2=9 9 million m/s ^ 2= times mass in kg

2 ^2=4 = 4 million m/s ^2= times mass in kg

Energy equals velocity squared @ 1 km/sec = 1000 m/s*1000 m/s = 1 million m/sec^2; = times mass in kg


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