Monday, June 14, 2021

Do they really give a hoop what you think?

Here's one for the Democrat voters out there. I don't know who you are even though you may be coming to this blog. Maybe you think I'm deluded and such, and this blog is just a big joke to you. Or maybe you think I'm EEEEEVILLLLLL.

Whatever you may think, know this: The only reason your vote matters is because of US. Yep. Once they run roughshod over us, and we don't matter anymore--- then NEITHER WILL YOU. Why should you matter? You would have given them carte blanche to do whatever they wanted. They'll be no more of this election nonsense. Your vote won't matter anymore.

Remember: your vote only matters to them because of US. Now tell me if I am deluded on that one. Or ask yourself if you're the one who is deluded. Bernie Sanders was your real choice, but you got Biden. Do they really give a hoop what you think?

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