Friday, July 30, 2021

The GOP is destroying itself


It seems that I've mentioned before on this here blog that the GOP wasn't worth a damn, and it is being proven right as rain this very day.

At CTH, there has been a "heads-up" of some real-live son-of-a-gun chicanery going on. They have opened debate on a bill that hasn't even been written. The purpose of the bill is to trick the public. They don't want anybody to see what they're doing.

But it is mainly for the GOP to claim that they couldn't stop it, and pretend once again that they aren't an opposition party. Finally, the entire idea of the thing is to screw over the people of this country because they can.

The GOP, even though it is a minority, can stop this if they wanted to. But they don't. Everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING coming out of DC is a crock of horse pucky.

Nothing is going to stop this but a full-scale revolt across the board. But this won't happen because there are just too many people who don't understand what is being done to them, and don't seem to care.

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