Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Here's John, er Gov. Cuomo!

The Angel of Death, Governor Coomo of New York, is going all Nazi jackbook thug on his fellow New Yorkers. He's coming for you, like the maniac in the 80's movie The Shining.

The Governor put sick people with the old people, which is the same as murder. They knew at the time that older and sicker folk were more succeptible to illness, but Coomo did it anyway.

He knew it was wrong, so he managed to give immunity to those who assisted him in his evil design.

His heinous act remains unpunished to this day. Democrats in New York originally put the hero label on him, but had something of a change of heart for some reason. It was all a farce, with pretended outrage. A fellow Democrat doesn't face any accountability in deep blue regions like New York. It all reminds me of that scene in the movie, where the little boy warns his mother that they are about to be murdered. Somehow the little boy knew, which was the whole theme of the movie. Somehow.

Here's Governor Cuomo!

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