Tuesday, July 27, 2021


A clarification may not be needed here, but here goes anyway. There may be a criticism that this is an incitement to violence. But it couldn't be said without taking parts of this out of context.

There is no advocacy for violence unless it is necessary to protect oneself against an attack. The Tucker Carlson video was a trap to provoke him into saying or doing something to discredit himself. He did the correct thing in refusing to be provoked.

Provocations are designed to elicit violent responses, which are in turn, designed to be used to discredit those who defend themselves against an attack. I believe this was an orchestrated attack against Tucker Carlson, which was intended to force him off the air.

He did the right thing, and he could do even better by letting them pay the price for this provocative act. All that is necessary is to go over every bit of it and ask why.

The aggressor made many charges which he didn't offer proof. He cannot offer proof because the attacks were lies. Therefore, all that is needed is to expose the truth. The greater truth is that this was a planned event, in my opinion. It is the same kind of thing that may have been done to the 1/6/21 protesters in Washington DC, who were objecting to the stolen election. They were invited into the Capitol Building, then they were attacked. They fought back, and now are accused of insurrection. I believe that this is a filthy lie.

The Wicked Witch of the West Coast, Nancy Pelousy, is orchestrating yet another Star Chamber to attack these patriots. She is doing so by starting out with their accusation, and refusing to look at ALL the evidence. Video tapes are being withheld that could prove that there was an attempt to provoke the protesters. Her Star Chamber is set up so that this cannot never come to light. She has found dupes and "useful idiots" in the GOP who will help her out.

It is necessary to study the tactics and show how they are using it NOW. The same is being used against Tucker Carlson, and will be used against anyone standing against their mad lust for absolute power.

It is not necessary to be violent unless it is in self-defense. These monsters would try to take that away too.

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