Friday, July 30, 2021

What is your take?

Last year, maybe about this time of the year, I was doing a few errands and something happened. I didn't discuss it on the blog, but I kept it in mind all this time. I think now is the time to make a post about it. ( I may have posted it before, but I don't recall. I know I have thought about it many a time. My apologies if this isn't new. )

Anyway, during this errand, an older man than I ( I would call him elderly, but so am I.) walked towards my direction as I was leaving a place. He was heading in, I was going out. While in passing, he asked me a question. He asked: "Is God mad at us?" I didn't quite get the question, so he elaborated a little more. He mentioned the hot weather that day, the riots, and the so-called pandemic.

My answer was this had nothing to do with God. It was all man-made. So that's the story. But this morning, as I peruse the news, I am left with the idea that things could be getting a whole lot worse. The older man's question of whether God being mad at us or not has now been transformed into this answer ( if I could answer now to the question being posed then.)

It's not God who is mad at us. It is the Democrats and their accomplices in the GOP. They are quite mad at us and want to punish us. That is what all this is about.

Their anger and hatred is all over their manner, speech, and actions. When I had this thought, I had to post it. I don't know how it will be taken, but consider how we are constantly being blamed for everything that they do themselves.

Not only are they mad at us, but they think they are God too. That is an even bigger revelation. A story about Fidel Castro's regime comes to mind. Some children were told to pray to God for some ice cream. When no ice cream showed up, the children were given some ice cream and were asked who brought them the ice cream. Get it? The Castro Regime was replacing God.

Now these people who think they are God are angry at us. They are punishing us for being bad little boys and girls. Ooops! There are more than two genders. /sarc

What do you think? Who's mad at us? The God of Abraham, or the modern-day secular Gods of Wall Street and Washington DC?

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