Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Steering wheel

Here's a little story that some folks might find useful. I thought I'd tell it, even though it is really only about me, but it may have an application on a general scale. Perhaps it could go "viral". Tee hee...

This morning I awoke feeling serene. Complete unworried, which is not the way I went to bed last night. I had a hard time falling asleep because of what appears to be going on in the world. But this morning, it was like the slate had been wiped clean. What happened?

I have been wondering about that for the last hour or so, and I recollected a story a fellow driver told a long time ago. He said he got into an argument with some guy who didn't like his driving. It might have been a road rage incident, except this guy I knew was too sensible for that. He rolled down his window and called out to the guy, and the guy must have rolled down his window to hear him. This guy who was telling this story said he asked the other guy how many steering wheels does that thing have? The other guy must have said "One"! Okay, was the reply. "Then you take care of yours, and I'll take care of mine!".

There's a moral to that story. The steering wheel can be a metaphor for your life. So many people out there want to get into "road rage" mode and tell you how to live your life. Maybe they should be more concerned about their own "steering wheel". How many steering wheels have YOU got? I got one, and that is enough.

You see, the thing I was worried about was these frickin' pinkos telling me what I should do and not do. I think these pinkos should just shut the eff up, and mind their own bees wax.

If you have taken this so-called "vaccine", and you have confidence, then why do you think you should been concerned about what I think of it? If you really feel safe with your "vaccine" and face diaper, why should you worry about little 'ol me? In the spirt of Smokey and the Bandit, I'll ask you people the same question that the Bandit asked the Smokey. "Does the letters "F O" have any meaning for you?

Maybe that's why I felt oddly serene this morning. Last night I was worried, but now I know what I'll say to these pinkos if any of them try to bother me about my "vaccination" status. Perhaps you people out there can use this message. Maybe not! But I thought it might be useful to read about it.

While I am at it, I can tell another thing along the same lines. The liberal dude who accosted Tucker Carlson said that Carlson was the worst person in world. I got to thinking about the sitcom All in the Family, where the meathead said to Archie, "day by day you eat my heart out". To which Archie replied "I don't care". That was the funniest thing.

Like Archie, I say to the commie meatheads out there-- "I don't care what you think of me." Tee hee...

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