Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Worrying is no good

On second thought, maybe I am not as serene as I thought. My mind starts working, it won't quit sometimes. But is it thinking, or is it worrying?

I mentioned a self-help book the other day. There are others that I've read. As a matter of fact, a whole lot of others of this type. Back in the past, I ran into the kind of thing that might have indicated something of a vulnerability. I resolved to do something about that.

One of those books was to do something about worry. Even just reading a book is SOMETHING, which is better than nothing. It was the book that Dale Carnegie wrote on the subject. In that book, the chief cause of worry is CONFUSION. Actually, before I even picked up the book, I was attempting to do something about that. You see, you have to decide things. Deciding things is one way to banish worry. Have a made up mind gets rid of worry.

How to apply that to real life scenarios is another thing entirely. It's all a part of the learning curve. I think I can always be better prepared. Therefore, it is important to also be prepared for anything that you can think of.

But the world can always throw you a curve ball. This will test you preparations, and then you find vulnerabilities. Those vulnerabilities are blessings in disguise. You can allow those to worry you, or you can get to work and reduce those vulnerabilities.

A real-life scenario is this Tucker Carlson ambush. What if some pinko accosts you like the one that happened to Tucker Carlson? You see, these pinkos are all high-fiving each other about how they intimidated Tucker Carlson. As for Carlson, I don't think he was quite ready for what came his way. You can put yourself in his position and ask the same thing.

Of course, that was the entire point of the pinko's exercise. They want Carlson to know that they could follow him all the way to Montana and harass him at will. One cannot help but to notice that. Not only that, they harassed him while his child was there. The thug said-- "I don't care". Only thugs would say something like that. We are dealing with organized thuggery, and of course, that is what the Establishment wants to wield as a weapon against us.

Dan Bongino says that fear is what these pinkos rely upon. Without fear, they are helpless.

Somewhere I read that there are those who intimidate those who intimidate others. As a group, we are being intimidated. It's time to "repay the favor". Those who intimidate others need to live in fear of those who are fully prepared to deal with their intimidation tactics.

Everyone should ask--are you prepared for this? If not, then it is time to get to work, and intimidate the intimidators. Because if that is what we allow them to make us worry about, then we aren't ready for this crap. If you are worried, you don't know yourself nor do you know your enemy. Make no mistake, the enemy is out there and laying ambushes for us all. They want us to know. Now that we do, what do we do about this? Crawl into a fetal position and suck your thumb?

Prepare youself to know what to do, and hopefully you'll be ready. That is what I intend to do.

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