Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Flying monkey circus

The first hearing of the Wicked Witch's brew of a Star Chamber will start today, if I am not mistaken.

Seems like Arch-Heretic Liz Cheney will lend her services to discredit anybody who interferes with "her holiness"-da witch. She claims to "get to the bottom" of the Jan. 6th affair, which people refer to with different descriptive names; such as Insurrection, Riot, or Attack.

I'll refer to it as an affair of tawdriness, most likely emanating from the rotten bunch on the commie side of the aisle. The entire charade is meant to cover up their guilt in causing the ruckus in the first place, or at least so I have long suspected.

There seems to be something of a threat to go after other GOP members. I smell another commie plot being unveiled. This is one of their best tools, to inspire fear amongst people. Too bad this latest stench is coming from someone who claims to support this country.

Cheney is helping Pelosi break the GOP, which probably does need some major repairs. But Cheney is one of the broken members that needs replacing. Those who are worth anything are likely to be subjected to the Wicked-Witch and her flying-monkey-recruits' attacks. It is all theater intended to help their sagging prospects in next year's mid-term elections.

The real drama here is if the GOP can repair itself and become a real opposition party. The other side of the drama is from the Wicked Witch' mad attempt at total and complete one party totalitarian rule. They are greedily licking their lips in anticipation of a kill.

Let's see if the GOP can decide what they will be when they grow up, or grow a spine.

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