Monday, July 26, 2021

Enemies lists

A commenter on the webs said that to read what was on that website, one would get on a list. Since when does reading something make you a lawbreaker? It is as if the First Amendment has been repealed.

This kind of sentiment may be indicative of a fear out there. A fear of the government. This fear may not be a bug, but a feature. All the more reason to be stronger against the intimidation. Giving into the fear will only make the oppression worse.

Let's not be too innocent here, and pretend nothing is wrong. Something is definitely wrong. Pelosi has stated that some of the Republicans in the House are enemies. The use of that word is getting a bit troublesome and worrisome. Merely being in opposition makes you an "enemy"? Sure, there are idea enemies, but what the Wicked Witch of the West Coast is saying that the loyal opposition is an enemy of the state. That is crossing the Rubicon, don't you know.

These people are out of control. Giving into them because they seem too fearsome to oppose is a sure ticket to more of the same.

All the same, though, you have to be smart about your opposition. They would love nothing better than for the opposition to make themselves into a dangerous element that would give them the excuse they need for political violence. They really didn't have a problem with that last year, now did they?

If they cannot find any excuse, they can always make it up. They did that to Trump, and they may well have done it to the those people on January 6th. Yes, and they can do it again.

They are a treacherous and deceitful bunch. No mistake about that. You have to be smart, and you have to be strong.

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