Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Busy day

Busy day at blogging today. It used to be a routine to put up a LOT of posts each day. The numbers have been dwindling, though. A few thoughts on that...

Sometimes I look at this and wonder what the hell am I doing here? It doesn't get anywhere. Look, I've been in knock-down drag out verbal fights before. All the argumentation in the world may make no difference at all. A well-worn quote here: " A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still."

In the end, the other person on the other side of an argument has to be open to a different point of view. If not, you're just wasting your time.

These days, and it may have been the same thing for the longest time, there seems to be way, way more of the kind of people who cannot be convinced that water is wet, if they have some antipathy towards you.

For me, the person opposite me makes no difference. The difference is whether or not what I think is true or not true. The speaker or writer makes no difference. Yes, a speaker who has a track record of dishonesty may not be worth listening to, but there are some folks who I may have a disagreement with who could be worth listening to if for no other reason, to learn what their rationale is for what they are saying...

I'd like to think I am open to other viewpoints. But maybe not as much as I thought... At any rate, I think I should try to check my accuracy whenever I can think of it. But really, who does anything like that???

Someone on the webs asked why Minority Leader McCarthy doesn't throw Cheney and what's-his-face out of the GOP caucus. I'd second that one. Why not hold a conference and ask why the hell is it that these two are not loyal at least to their party? You can do that without being disloyal to the country.

Whatever you may think about Trump, or anybody else, everybody deserves to be defended against the all-powerful state operation. If you cannot do that, then you'd better have a very, very good reason. Otherwise, you really don't belong. McCarthy should require an explanation from the both, and if it isn't good enough, they should go. If O.J.Simpson can get quality representation, I don't see any reason why any GOP member should abandon one of their own members.

But that's me.

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