Monday, May 3, 2021

The day so far 5-3-21

You know this resistance thing that I've been doing is ongoing. It moves kinda slow, like I do these days.

It took me awhile to do it, but I finally got around to removing one of my Amazon reviews. It was a defense of George W. Bush.

Bush has been saying things lately that have gone against the prevailing sentiments of a lot of people who voted for him twice. One of those people was yours truly. I defended Bush against what seemed like a howling mob who wanted his scalp. Now this guy is trying to crap all over people like me who helped him in the past.

Thanks a lot, Dubya!

The problem with these kind of people is that they try to please everybody and end up pleasing nobody. The Bushes have a talent for that. Like I said, guys like Bush can screw up a wet dream.

They are aligning with people who they should oppose. If they can remember what side they say that they are on, they might keep their friends and allies on board. But nope! They gotta crap all over the people who once supported them.

It looks like it is happening to these types all over the place. Romney caught a little hell in Utah. I wish it could have been a lot more forceful. They need to be chastened. They need it badly. We need to see a lot more of this kind of thing. Blind loyalty is not necessarily a good thing.

The Bushes want loyalty. They should be prepared to give a little of it themselves.

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