Sunday, January 23, 2022

Off grid post, 1-23-22

This is still a go, but the pace is very slow, I know. Hey, all that rhymes. Woo-hoo.

Anyway, the latest thing is Sketch Up. It looks like it might take a 4 year degree to learn how to use the darned thing. But I've got time. I've got nothing but time. ( but maybe not. More Hank Kimble speak, there.)

Sketch up is frustrating. I tried it once before, because a dude whose handle is "SolarCabin" suggested it, way back when. I didn't get far with it, undoubtedly because it is way too complex for a simpleton or lazy ass to mess with. How I fit into that you can assess for yourselves.

All of this is just a simulation at this point, anyhow. Let's be serious. I'm not going out there unless I have to, so there's no need to earn a PhD in off-grid stuff. It's okay to do other stuff, but I'm not setting myself up for the latest Fortune 500 enterprise. Maybe the word is KISS, as in Keep it Simple, Stupid.

There are other ways to build things that don't require a whole lot. The Indians built tee-pees, and lived in them. Talking about off-grid. Yet it didn't seem to help the Indians much when civlization came knocking.

Off-grid should be simple, after all. I'll try to remember that. There is always some shiny new thing out there to complicate things. Civilization is good at giving you those shiny new things, but a few other things that you may not want.

I'll keep on keeping on, even if it is slow, thank you very much.

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