Monday, January 14, 2019

Don Surber: Who gave National Review the power to excommunicat... ( updated)

Don Surber: Who gave National Review the power to excommunicat...: The Ana Navarro conservatives at the National Review showed their Fake Conservative side again today in a silly, virtue-signaling editorial,...



Still waiting to hear why this was "racist".  Evidently, King apologized, which was a big mistake.  Never apologize for not doing anything wrong.  Show where it was wrong.  I still don't see it.

Cruz joining in on this is why I don't trust the guy.  There are way too many people who claim to be conservative and go belly up as soon as the lefties start using that overused and overhyped accusation.

There have been a number of stories about a "white nationalist" saying such and such, and so far, I haven't seen any direct quotes except in the comment section.

From what I saw of what was said, it is a big nothingburger.

Show me what was wrong.

Now, what Surber is saying here is that the Jeb Bush wing of the GOP is joining up with the liberals to jump all over the guy for saying what amounts to nothing at all.

What's with these people?  Don't they know that they aren't fooling anybody anymore?

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