Sunday, January 13, 2019

The problem in a nutshell

Lindsey Graham wants to reopen the government, and then negotiate.  Sorry, but that has never worked.

The government should not re-open until Trump gets his wall.  Period.

If they want to re-open without Trump, then they have to get enough Republicans to join them and override his veto.

Then Trump can declare the emergency, and build the wall anyway.

Unless they want to remove him from office.  Again, they would need a lot of Republicans to do this, and if they Republicans DID, they can put their heads between their legs and kiss their asses goodbye ( as a party).

In short, Trump doesn't have to negotiate.  They do.  He can do what he wants unless they find a way to stop him.  I say go ahead, Mr. President.  They have spent the last two years trying to remove Trump anyway, and also trying anything at all to stop him.  Unless they can prove that they can, Trump should go ahead "balls to the wall".

Trump is giving the opportunity to save face, but if they won't do that, they he can just drop the hammer on 'em anyway.

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