Thursday, January 17, 2019

Changing the dynamics of the game

After reading the following, I get a sense of helplessness from these people:

As I wrote before, the GOP, and/or so-called conservatives, are not helpless.  It looks like Kabuki theater once again.  Or otherwise known as "failure theater".  The point of which is to give us all a circus to cheer for each side, while we stand on the sideline nearly helpless in determining the outcome.

Let's look over the pond, so to speak, at the yellow vest protests.  They are in a much more difficult position than we, because their governments have disarmed them.  We are in a much more powerful position, yet nobody wants to lift a finger.

If we let this become a PR war, then we lose.  But a PR war is the least "bloody" of wars, which means no war at all.  Playing for the cameras is a loser.  That is what they are doing.  If it is placed in their hands, playing on their turf, how do you possibly think you can win.

Not advocating violence, but it ought to be an option.  Considering that AOC is using "rape talk", I would think that it is justified to respond appropriately.

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