Friday, August 18, 2017

Obligatory, 8.18.17

My battery went dead earlier today.  So, the netbook computer that I use was on the charger.  It was a slow charge, but now it is back.

Meanwhile, Bannon was fired.  There's plenty to think about right there.

It seems that DC wants scalps, and tend to get what they are after.  Flynn's scalp made way for Sessions' recusal.  Sessions' recusal made way for an independent counsel.  You don't get these prosecutors unless you are scalp hunting.  So that is the end game.  But in the meantime, they need to get things set up.  A few more scalps first, before the big 'un.  It seems to me that Bannon's has always been high on the list.  Now that they've bagged his, what comes next?  The biggest of 'em all?

Trump has a lot of followers.  Getting rid of Bannon is sort of a big deal because the thing that may be keeping this ship afloat is Trump's continued support amongst the people.

Regardless of most of these polls say, according to the more accurate ones, he seems pretty steady in his support.  If that gives way, it may open the door to his removal.  What happens if Trump is seen to be shifting away from what got him elected?  That could be the thing his enemies are trying to set up.

We will see if that is how it plays out.

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