Monday, December 21, 2020

Nightmare on Main Street

Wargaming the resistance

This may be as futile as resisting the "Borg", by the way.

Our overlords are about to sweep away what is left of the Constitution. At the same time, they are going to insist that we went willingly. I don't believe that. If the worse happens, which it appears to be the case, this will have been coerced upon the people.

The "wargaming" refers to what I do about it. If you are reading this, then perhaps you can ask yourselves that. I don't have a give and take with the audience here, so I don't know what those of you who read this are thinking this moment.

Perhaps I'm just talking to myself. Whatever.

If this vaccine becomes mandatory, I'm going to resist. I don't know what that will mean just yet, but it could mean the worst. The "worst" means no medical treatment. The next time I go to the doctor, I may get told that it is a requirement for any further medical treatments. If I get told that, I will just leave. That means doing without any meds and follow-ups for my conditions. This will not be good.

As for mask wearing. If this state gives in to any national mandate, I will be disappointed. But I will do what I can to resist that as well. This may be very challenging, as they may make it very hard to get basic supplies. You know, like food?

This could all turn into a nightmare without end. Or a nightmare that Freddy Krueger could love.

But it ain't no movie.

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