Sunday, October 4, 2020

Lots of noise, but no real news


Seems like a familiar story. A search for news reveals none, but plenty of opinions and clickbait.

I'd like to know how the President is doing. There should be frequent updates, and I guess they'd say there are, but if there are, there's little news being put out.

Maybe I'm looking in the wrong place. As of this writing, which is a little after 6 am central time, Oct. 4, I don't see any time stamped news item relating to the President's health that's within 8 hours of this time. These include my usual sources. C'mon man!

It might be early Sunday morning, but that doesn't stop the 24 hour 7 day a week news cycle. There's stuff being put out there, but too few hard facts. I spent an hour on this, that's all I am going to spend.

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