Tuesday, July 30, 2024

A way to reclaim your privacy without breaking your piggy bank


I recently purchased a phone with CaylxOS on it. It was more than I wanted to spend, and it is turning out to be a major league job to make the transition. But I WILL make it.

I didn't follow the directions below. If I had, I'd have been in deeper doo-doo than what I am in right now. This is actually the easier way. Or so I thought. I'm sure it is. Anyway, I've got plenty of time since I am retired.


David Bombal has a video out that shows you how to install CaylxOS on a Pixel phone. He has a link to a pdf file with detailed instructions. Plus you can watch the video below to see him do it.

I did a bit more checking after watching the video. You can get a Pixel phone ( refurb ) for a bit over 160 bucks.

If you get the voip pkg from Braxman, you can provision the phone to run on a network ( like at home, but not on the road) for $5.00 a month. After a year on this service, you pay $60 for the voip phone, plus $160 for the phone itself. Not a bad deal.

You'll have more privacy. Following Braxman's advice, you can get different phones for different tasks. For example, for the road, you can get another phone. Maybe even a google phone, but keep it in a bag. (it's what I do) Sure, it's not as convenient, but at least you don't have big tech looking over your shoulder at every move. For the record, I don't have this set up, but I'm considering it.

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