Monday, March 11, 2024

What to do about Biden?

Daily update:

the most recent daily update on 3/11/24 is directly below:


Chucklehead screws up again. Houston, the Democrats have a problem. But that's ok. We can handle it. But can they?

The original post of 2/12/24 follows directly below:

According to Bongino, this Ben Hur attack on Biden ( sans chariots) was no accident. They want the chuckehead out because he is hurting their chances to escape accountability.

But the GOP is in this scam as usual, so the GOP wants chucklehead to disappear. Chucklehead means Biden, not Trump. Not that the GOP wants Trump either. But they may be able to control Trump better than Biden.

Biden may get Epsteined by the Democrats at some point. Or they'll make a deal with the shit wing of the GOP. ( assuming there's anything in the GOP that isn't shit)

We are living in the Gangsta Paradise. It's a dreary future, just as the song is dreary.

The right thing is to impeach Biden and run a Senate trial. Someone in the Democrat party may have to go to Biden and tell him it's time to go. This is a Nixon scenario that may not play out because Biden is not only senile, he is a monster.

The bozos who put this monster in the White House have to be held accountable for doing this to us, but that won't happen. They're incapable of doing the right thing.

Those in the power structure should go quietly, but won't. We'll be lucky if there's anything left when the smoke clears.

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