Saturday, May 18, 2024

The Donald seems to be doing well, if this is any indication


The trial is coming to an end soon. If it was a horse, they'd have to shoot it. Ooops! Can't say that. Silly me.

The curtain may be coming down on Donald Trump's show trial by Alex Berenson

Star prosecution witness Michael Cohen has proven such obvious liar under cross-examination that a guilty verdict is no longer certain, even from a partisan jury; what happens if Trump walks?

Read on Substack

end update of 5/16/24 post:


The trial is called "hush-money trial". It ought to be called something else. For the trial is a scandalous, corrupt trial of enormous magnitude. It is quite literally the test of our system of government and our civilization. Good and evil have been flipped 180 degrees out of phase. According to this information, Stormy Daniels was trying to extort money from Trump, and there was no need for "hush money", for the story was already out there! It was published years before, so it was already in the public domain. Is this information being put forth in the courtroom???

end update to 5/15/24 post:


7:50 PM

The stench gets worse all the time. These shenanigans look like a page out of the book about the rise of Nazi Germany. Trump is right to call them fascists. But to me, commies and fascists are the same thing.

end 7:50 PM update of 6:50 PM post:

6:50 PM Could this mean that the trial is rigged in order to get a guilty verdict?

The link says that Cohen agreed to plea bargain during the Mueller shitshow so they could get this testimony in this latest shitshow, and make it look like a real crime. Except that it isn't. What other tricks may they have under their sleeve? You know, when something smells as badly as this does, you need to make the world aware of it.

Know what I mean, Vern?

end update of 5/14/24 post:


Professor Nez YouTube channel

Yours truly hasn't been paying attention to this trial. It reminds me of the OJ Simpson trial back in the day, and how I thought it was a slam dunk for the prosecution. The verdict to that case was shocking. The verdict in this case should be slam dunk INNOCENT. However, will history repeat? There are those who think that a guilty verdict will backfire on the Dems. It may well be the case, since the OJ Simpson verdict was said to have been one of the reasons the Democrats lost the House in 1995. A guilty verdict in a sham trial may only rebound against those who perpetrated a fraud on the public, and if the public KNOWS IT.

Be careful what you wish for, Dems.

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