Sunday, May 12, 2024

What is at stake, and what we are about to lose


This is what Brandon and the Democrats consider to be an "oppressed" class deserving of protection under the law. They may not even be here legally. What a total shitshow.

end update of 5/11/24 post:


In connection with the previous post today, I'll include some info sources for consideration. Hopefully, reason will prevail. However, reason is under assault, and reason may well be down for the count. If it were a boxing match, and reason was a boxer, it would be receiving the final count right now. If reason doesn't get up off the canvas in time, it may well be finished.

Megan Kelly: When did they change math?

Gab is under assault in Australia because they won't censor news that you may not have heard about.

Bill Maher is a "voice of reason" by the usual "standards" of the left. But that doesn't make him reasonable. If this is as good as it gets on the left, they are all crazy. The left is on a hate binge for anyone who stands in their way. Very democratic of them.

Justice Alito and Justice Thomas sound the warnings about the threat to campus free speech. The left is fully capable of nasty things. Just look at what they are doing to Trump. Look at what they did to Kavanaugh. Look at what they did to Judge Robert Bork, and Clarence Thomas himself. Representative Scalise was shot by a Bernie Bro. Senator Rand Paul was beat up. The left is like a rabid dog. Is there any way to reach these people?

Examples abound and have been noted here several times. But the left presents itself as the weaker party. How can that be? All objective facts will lead you to the opposite conclusion. The left isn't defending Democracy. They are destroying it. Therefore, the attacks are just projection on a grotesque and obscene level.

It reminds me of what I read about the beginnings of the second world war, when Nazi Germany attacked Poland. They accused Poland of aggression. The "aggressors" were met with tanks, while they had to fight on horseback. That kind of grotesque projection is what we are seeing today from the self proclaimed defenders of democracy. We are in the deepest possible doo-doo.

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