Saturday, May 11, 2024

Wimmin on the wawpath

This story was on Ace, as it describes one of the wokish aspects of modern liberalism. Wimmin are wictims, and they are mad as hell and won't take it anymoah.

They've even got classes on how to act in rage-monster fashion. After all, it is that mean old patriarchy that makes them act mousey and everything. It seems that even the faculty in so-called "higher" education knock objectivity as a type of male patriarchy, of which wimmin must never emulate, by gosh.

There's even a school that shows the girls how to get mad, because they've hadn't had enough practice at it, you see. Anything to make a buck. A fool and his/her money, are soon parted.

Not to be too judgmental here, but if you're paying somebody to teach how to be angry, you really need to ax yourself a few questions. Anyway, if it helps some people, maybe it isn't all bad, but this seems to be a widdle wacky. But some folks do need help. Hopefully, they can get the right kind. That's is all.

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