Saturday, May 11, 2024

Signs of the times

It's better to combat boil-a-frog scenarios than to battle so-called climate change. With that in mind, here's a few things to consider.

It may be tiresome to hear, but in the old days, kids really did walk 5 miles in the snow to get to school. But the boil-a-frog scenario today is having to go to school at all. What that means is that people don't really expect to work for good things. Good things are expected. An education was seen in the old days as something worth working for. If you had to walk 5 miles in the snow to get an education, that was okay. These boil-a-frog days, people might expect to wire themselves up with a chip so that they don't have to go to class in order to have access to knowledge. A computer in the brain might not be that far off. I mean, really..., having to point and click on a screen is SO yesterday. Walking to school is practically Neaderthal.

Perhaps we are headed for Jetsons territory after all. But is it really all that desirable to have robots doing everything for you? But can't you jog off those excess calories? Only if you get too many bugs to eat. No more good things to eat because ... climate change.

If you fight climate change, there won't be any of that Jetsons stuff. There won't be any technological advances, because technological advances depend upon energy, and energy is going to have a cost of some kind. Radical environmentalists don't want people to have ANYTHING that has anything to do with comfort, convenience, or pleasure. You'd be back in the caves if these wackos get their way. You WILL eat the bugs, comrade. Well, in a natural world, eating bugs may be your only sustenance, because there's nothing else! Who would actually choose to eat bugs? All the more reason for their coercive tactics. Amongst these are fake elections, fake news, fake pandemics, and general all around fakery. Shoot, there won't be any more sex because nobody will know about the birds and the bees.

This boil-a-frog stuff is so sneaky. You can watch old movies and notice a few things. People actually knew how to do things. Wow. How quaint. They cooked their own food! How primitive! In the future, a robot will shove a pill down your throat, and you will like it! Or else, comrade. If you are already the boiled frog, it will be too late to jump out.

Everything is so enlightened these days. That's why there is such a need for censorship. Right thinking must come from the barrel of a gun, comrade. But you don't need guns, let Uncle Sam take care of you. heh ,heh.

This seems so Jungian, like in that movie scene from Full Metal Jacket.

What are you going to do? Don't jump into the water and don't be a frog, I guess.

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