Sunday, May 5, 2024

James Woods responds to lefty rant

Watch this guy and then read Wood's response in his tweet embedded below. Or do it in the opposite order. I'll comment below.


His rant is hyper-emotional and insulting. It's intended to browbeat any dissent into agreement. There was a guy in Germany who acted a lot like that. Adolf Hitler physically intimidated people. Read about it. Even highly ranked generals would flinch in the presense of Der Fuhrer. Therefore, there is no debate possible with someone like this. That's the whole point. No debate is wanted.

One could distill the essense of his arguments based on what few facts that he does manage to shout out at you. There are 8 billion people on Earth, he says. Yes, that's true. The population growth is faster than ever. Yes, that's true. However, a completely self-imposed draconian solution may be a cure that is worse than the disease.

Two, his ideas about use of resources is entirely based upon the notion that resources are limited. Atoms and molecules do not go away. One of my favorite ideas was the mastery of energy. With enough abundant energy, the recycling of all materials can take place at an affordable rate. The reason it cannot be done now is the high cost of energy. With enough energy, many of these problems become manageable. Resources can be virtually unlimited.

But we cannot have unlimited energy because the same people who scream like this will not actually apply any useful solutions. Indeed, their idea is to have mankind return to the caves. This will mean that 99% of the human race will have to die. The "solutions" therefore, are no solutions at all.

Windmills and solar power really aren't very useful. A number of potentially useful technologies have to BEG for support. Why can't he do something like that instead of yelling and insulting people who do not agree with him?

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