Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Election fraud is still a thing

9:53 AM

Also, please do not forget why there is a border crisis. So that there will be enough Biden "voters" to claim victory in this year's election. Biden is losing so many voters from the Democrat traditional voters that he has to import as many as possible in order to steal the election. The graveyards have only so many voters!

end 9:53 AM update of 9:20 AM post:

9:20 AM

Please don't forget that the J6th "insurrection" was a false flag. It was all a set up in order to install Joe Biden as President. So it is fake all along the line. Don't ever forget that, and don't let anybody else forget that. Maybe then the truth will prevail.

end 9:20 AM update of 8:45 AM post:

5/15/24, 8:45 AM

Just was reminded of something via CTH. Joe Biden has imposed tariffs on Chinese goods. He's claiming he's protecting American jobs, but that's not true. The Chinese are just going to move their factories to Mexico. If they make EVs in Mexico, they'll destroy what's left of the American auto industry.

Instead of talking about that, we'll talk about everything else that doesn't matter. Like election fraud. Biden will steal another election, and everyone will be scratching their heads. Except the thought that the whole thing boils down to two things: 1) Biden is a fraud , and 2) Don't ever forget that he is a fraud. Biden cannot win legitimately, so he HAS to lie and cheat. That's what makes him a FRAUD. Democrats and some Republicans are no different, so don't forget them either.

end update of 7:29 AM post

Why is it still a thing? Could it be that the message that it is fraudulent keeps getting jammed? It's called censorship. Great democracy we got here, eh? /sarc

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