Monday, May 13, 2024

The GOP plays nice, the Dems play mean


There are polls out today touting Democrat leads in some races. Like Biden, I don't know how these people stand up. That is, unless you consider the weak position that GOP invariably take. This is supposed to be the GOP's year in the Senate, but the polls seem to indicate otherwise. Actually, I don't trust polls. If you are doing the right things, the votes will take care of themselves. How many times have I seen so-called right wing pundits do their poll watching routines, while ignoring the things that they should be talking about.

So this could be the latest diversion. Let the Democrats get away with diverting attention from the massive failures of the Democrats and the brain dead President. Watch those polls, guys. /eyeroll

end update of 5/12/24 post:


Brandon is offering a "deal" that looks like desperation. It's a Hail Mary pass.

Explanation: Biden is in real trouble in Michigan. These people are turning against him, but Biden cannot afford to lose them. So he tosses this one out there in order to appease them so that they might be rallied back to his side. If the Hail Mary works, there will be no further "genocide". Trouble is, there never was any "genocide". Biden is offering to sell out Hamas in favor of stopping the miscalled "genocide" which isn't a genocide. The premise is that this sellout of Hamas is going to pacify Islamists in Michigan, and rally the hard left back to his side.

In effect, it is a fig leaf. He cannot stop Israel from defending itself, so now he needs a way to retreat without suffering an ignominous defeat, and also failing to save Hamas from utter defeat as well. So he needs some sort of policy victory, and Hamas and the hard left commies need some sort of fig leaf to hide behind a policy defeat of great magnitude. Hamas WILL be defeated in any case. Biden cannot stop that. Nobody can stop that. But Biden hopes to salvage something from this, and hence the desperation move of selling out Hamas' leadership.

As can be seen, this can lead to an even more grievous defeat of Brandon than he currently believes. For if he ever had such intelligence all along, why withhold it to an ally--Israel?

Brandon has really screwed the pooch this time. This may cause a complete collapse of his credibility. With that, his presidency may be finished. At least, some people seem to think so. For me, I don't see what has held him up this long. If this is testimony to anything, it is to the saying that nobody has gone broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.

end update of 5/10/24 post:


Methinks Biden has screwed the pooch, unless somebody beats him to it first.

end update of post of 5/8/24:

Biden is in trouble in Michigan with the Islamic jihadist faction, who threaten not to vote for him. If he loses Michigan, he loses the election. The quid pro quo is needed in order to get him out of trouble with the Hamas terrorist sympathizers amongst the Islamic jihadist faction. These same people are saying "Death to America". That makes them enemies of America. Giving an enemy aid and comfort is TREASON.

But the GOP won't even raise a peep of protest. Typical.

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