Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Quadrangle goes out

It looks like the idea of fitting together four quonsets into a squared area is going to require just too doggone much material and get too doggone big.

So, I've come up with an idea to stagger the quonsets so as to get wind blockage and still collect rainwater.  It should provide adequate protection from wind in nearly all directions.

The quonsets are now huge, over 40 feet long apiece.  That's to accomodate the grow boxes, which are 30 feet long.  They are quite small grow boxes, but they can't be doubled without making the quonset too crowded inside.  As is, the quonset will not allow as easy access as if the grow box was outdoors.  It looks like an amazing waste of space, but there's a reason for maintaining good access from all directions.

That's why they are 40 feet instead of 30.  There needs to be 5 feet on each end of the grow box, according to the system.

Since there are 3 planned, that means that with each 40 foot quonset, there's going to be 320 square feet of rainwater collection area available.  Counting the canopy, it's over a thousand.  So, for every tenth of an inch of rain, I can collect 62 gallons of water ( in theory, at least ).   Now, it looks like that isn't going to be enough water, believe it or not.  As noted earlier, these things may be thirsty, so I may now have a water problem again.

That's what planning is for: to work out the kinks in advance.  Hopefully, there won't be too many when the thing gets built.
Not enough room!  Can't double up on grow boxes, and the length goes out to 40 feet making the quadrangle 56 feet around the base.  Too big.

Replacement for the quadrangle.  Chickens are going in a chicken tractor after all.  Some new ideas on building the grow boxes here.

This will go in the construction subseries.

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