Saturday, February 28, 2015

Kicking around some ideas

No matter how much I save and so forth, it's not going to be enough to last that long if the money isn't coming in.  Money is going to have to be obtained somehow.

That's the way I figure it.  But it seems like I go round and round in circles on this.  There's no real solution, because a real solution for me requires the cooperation of others in my small little world.  If I can't secure the cooperation of others, then I can't make any progress.  All the more reason to want to get away from people, sometimes.  But people are necessary, you see.  That's what you call a conundrum.

I'm starting to consider the conex again.  Remember the conex idea?  It's what I kicked this off-the-grid thing off with.  Now that I have my tarps, I can cover the conex with tarps and put grass turf on top of it.  The grass turf will insulate from the sun in summer.  I don't want something high profile on the top of this thing so that the wind can blow it off.  The tarps will keep the sun off as well.

Instead of grass turf, or in place of grass turf in spots, would be some solar panels.  This would be good for insulation as well.

This one will go into the construction subseries.  Prev   Next

Also in the general subseries.  Prev   Next

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